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DécorCinema, Beautiful Cinemas For Beautiful Homes

Brought to the market by DécorCinema and a network of Authorised Dealers

Pulse Cinemas introduces a completely new concept in consumer facing home cinema marketing and sales.


Since it launched the DécorCinema concept the company has had many dealers asking specific questions on how this new customer facing initiative will work and how it will benefit those who sign up. Here Pulse Cinemas present a full account of how this new way to market high-performance fully integrated home cinemas to end users will work.

Where did the inspiration and motivation come from for DécorCinema?

Mike Beatty, Pulse Cinemas MD, explains, “For many years the luxury AV and home cinema industry has struggled with the best way to create a larger market by increasing the awareness and appeal of what we can deliver. It’s a competitive world out there with many luxury items and experiences competing with home cinema, often with a higher profile built over years and with deeper pockets to market their sector. To a great extent the industry has relied on word of mouth and the marketing skills and contacts of installers to build the sector, this has worked well up to a point. However, at Pulse Cinemas we strongly feel that dealers deserve more from manufacturers and distributors and so we created the DécorCinema concept to generate awareness and work directly with the consumer looking for the best in performance and design. “Right now you can visit the new dedicated website at ( to a get a feel of how we are targeting consumers, but for more details on how this revolutionary concept will benefit your business, read on and begin a new journey with us into the fantastic world of DécorCinema.”

What exactly is DécorCinema?

DécorCinema is a new consumer facing platform designed to create awareness for and excitement around the world of integrated home cinemas. Bolstered by its own website and further marketing initiatives, the idea is to spread the word on how cinemas can be a fantastic design addition to any home and be completely integrated with an existing living space or installed in an under-used space for a dedicated cinema approach. Pulse Cinemas will leverage our own expertise, contacts and world-class brands to build a profile for DécorCinema. The concept also includes exclusive access to one of the UK’s top interior design teams who are fully versed in how to merge fantastic aesthetics with home cinema performance. How the cinema will look is just as important to end users as the performance and DécorCinema will ensure that it does, either in an existing living space or by creating a strong design concept for a dedicated home cinema room. Consumers will recognise that DécorCinema represents a complete package that they can purchase and then relax knowing they are going to get everything they wanted from their dream home cinema and their authorised DécorCinema dealer.


What are the DécorCinema Dealer Partners benefits?

For the customer, owning a DécorCinema will carry credibility and an assurance that they will be getting the ultimate sound and picture, combined with the best aesthetics driving sales and awareness. The benefits of becoming a Dealer Partner will include use of all Pulse Cinemas facilities for partner events, use of a growing library of images for promotional activities, site/ project photography and video testimonials of completed projects. Dealer Partners will be able to carry the authorised DécorCinema logo within their own marketing. Regular awards will be given to the best completed projects, creating more awareness and credibility within the concept for those involved. Dealers will also be supported in entering other award initiatives such as the CEDIA Awards. DécorCinema will become a CEDIA member and Exclusively partner creating more awareness for the brand.

Which brands are included in the DécorCinema concept?

We have a clear idea of the brands that fit within the concept; we will be approaching these companies to communicate our goals and vision, requesting that they provide an agreed amount towards marketing the initiative to end users. It’s important to clarify that all contributions received from partners and distributed brands will be used to market DécorCinema to a targeted audience. Funds raised through Dealer Partner and manufacturer fees can be used to develop and support future DécorCinema spaces in businesses such as Minotti London around the UK, if these aren’t charged at cost and it is agreed that the installation should be completed FOC. Other complimentary brands may be brought into the DécorCinema platform, but will only ever include products that guarantee the sound and picture performance criteria are met. Pulse Cinemas may recommend certain products for lighting control etc, but these will not be included in the list to achieve DécorCinema status. Projects created from the DécorCinema website or other marketing avenues will be allocated on a customer location basis with the nearest authorised dealers gaining the work.

Where can customers and installers see DécorCinema demonstrated?

DécorCinema demonstration spaces will include the Reference Cinema, Reception Area and Media Room at Pulse HQ as well as The Minotti London showroom. More spaces will be added as the concept grows and dealers will also have the chance to create their own with support from Pulse Cinemas and associated brands.


What is the criteria for becoming DécorCinema qualified?

The dealer will need to have already shown a willingness to support the supporting DécorCinema brands and the dealer will also need to complete the DécorCinema training programme. Additional training will be offered to partners to ensure accreditations and up to date knowledge is kept at industry leading levels.

In the first year of membership, up to two team members from any installer can attend the new one-day DécorCinema Dealer Partner training course. The course will cover all aspects of cinema installation and execution designed around the DécorCinema framework.

The training will take place regularly at the excellent training facilities of Pulse Cinemas HQ. It will be only then that authorised status is given. At this point, the dealer will be given a portal page on the website; this can be populated with previously completed projects, certifications, awards and time in the industry etc. The better the portal page, the more chance the dealer will be recognised by the client.

The training course will include;

• Product knowledge assessment

• Technical knowledge of all partner brands

• Cinema design training

• Acoustic training

• Social media masterclass

As always at Pulse Cinemas, fantastic food and drink will be provided to ensure every attendee stays fresh and focused. Any additional members of any company can join the training at a cost of £200 plus VAT per person.

On successful completion of the training, each individual and Dealer Partner will be awarded DécorCinema authorised status.

A Dealer Partner annual subscription fee of £500 plus VAT will apply. All proceeds from the fees will be used in the comprehensive marketing around the concept.

All Dealer Partners will have to adhere to certain financial criteria, so Pulse Cinemas can guarantee the client’s project is completed with high standards met. We are investigating a possible agreement where deposits and payments are protected, until project is completed. More details to follow.

All partner subscriptions will need to be renewed at the end of every year. Dealer Partners can be removed from the group at any time for not adhering to the rules of the group.

How many DécorCinema Dealer Partners Will There be?

There will be no limit to the quantity of authorised Dealer Partners in the UK. Providing the criteria is met, any dealer can join the group and reap the benefits. Our aim is to grow the concept so that dealers up and down the country can tap into the demand created around the DécorCinema concept. Having said that the high-quality approach needed to qualify as a Dealer Partner will naturally limit the number of those in the scheme to a degree.

Can installers create their own DécorCinema demonstration space?

Yes, Dealer Partners can decide to install their own DécorCinema demonstration space in their own premises, creating their own destination that can tap into the awareness created around the concept. Product for these projects will be sold at demonstration pricing and must be kept for a minimum of one year.

How are DécorCinemas verified?

Any completed DécorCinema will be signed off and calibrated by a Pulse Cinemas representative and only then given DécorCinema status. Following this a full marketing support programme will be accessed which will include presence on the dedicated website and other consumer facing platforms.

The ambition

Mike sums up, “We continue to have the highest ambition for where our sector can go next and the DécorCinema platform is one way of how we plan to get there. We have a clear vision for the incredible things we can achieve if we pool our resources. Focusing on incorporating cinema into existing living spaces continues to be relatively unrecognised when compared to other desirable items. Our aim is to create a desirable cinema brand that high net worth consumers can recognise. We envisage us ultimately growing the market through targeted marketing and exposure; to ensure the finest UK installers are recognised for delivering deserving clients the very highest cinema performance within beautiful living spaces.”

If you want to find out more about becoming an Authorised DécorCinema Dealer Partner contact Mike Beatty by emailing

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