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UK CI distributor Habitech  is boosting its product offering with Arcam‘s range of home entertainment electronics.

Arcam has always had a good footprint in the smart home channel, with many installers enjoying a brand which delivers strong performance, whilst also retaining some brand character and identity.

Set up in 1976, Amplification and Recording Cambridge – or Arcam as we know it – has built a global reputation for its technical innovation and expertise and is one of a small number of original UK brands to have inspired the global popularity of Hi-Fi performance and design.

Habitech has been beefing up its AV line of late and in particular, underlining its offering in the home cinema channel.

This new arrangement will add more weight to that aspect of the distributor’s portfolio expanding the choice of specialised, multi-channel options.

Included in the new profile will be ARCAM’s ‘FMJ’ range of stereo and AV receivers, processors, players and power amplifiers, which Habitech says provides integrators with the opportunity to unite versatile power with the latest processing technologies for seamless UHD AV in virtually any environment.

Combined with the delivery of strong signal purity, all FMJ control products have the ability to integrate with the home automation systems through drivers for Crestron and C4.

Commenting on the agreement, ARCAM’s sales and marketing manager, Richard Trotter, says: “As our business continues its resurgence in the UK, it’s become clear that we do not have the resources to deal with demand from the custom install sector – our strength being in retail support.

“To fully and efficiently engage with this channel we have decided to appoint Habitech as our exclusive distributor. We’ve chosen Habitech for a number of reasons, chief among them being that they alone offer the level of technical back up and support that a specialist brand like ARCAM requires. Habitech has gained huge respect in the custom install sector and is a great asset to our total offering in the UK.”

Habitech’s sales manager, Timmi Thorsen, adds: “We’re delighted to be able to offer the performance and versatility of the ARCAM brand to our customers. It perfectly complements our home theatre product line-up and widens the choice of design options available with a proven prowess in AV processing and amplification from one to twelve channels.”

The first place installers will be able to see these two companies in unison is at EI Live! on May 10-11; sign up for free here.

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