Prove your humanity


Blustream has announced two one-day workshops that aim to cover some of the key challenges faced by AV installers. The events will be held at King Power Stadium, Leicester City FC on July 13 and at Madejski Stadium, Reading FC on July 14.

Partnering with industry experts, Blustream’s objective is to provide a knowledge base regarding new industry standards, while explaining some of the solutions available to stay ahead of the market. The course is free to attend for industry partners and is suitable for installers with varied levels of experience and confidence.

Training Schedule:


Metz Connect – Structured Cabling for 2020; Market developments and new industry standards: Presented by Simon Comben

What are todays CAT cable requirements?

New Laws and Regulations

Why choose shielded? aCAT6 Vs CAT 6A

Best practices for successful AV installations

Understanding factors that affect distance and performance

Simon sits on the board of British Safety Standards (BSI and ISO) and is currently contributing to the official specification for Category 8 cable. Simon has over 20 years’ experience in the structured cabling market, with impressive knowledge of the technology and practical application of CAT cable installations.


Blustream – Introducing new V2 product features and exclusive insight into our new UHD over IP solutions: Presented by Toby Leader

New ‘V2’ HDBaseT product features 

Web GUI configuration and control of Blustream products 

Product launches – Insight into new products scheduled to be available during the Summer 2016 

Exclusive overview and training on our new UHD Video over IP solutions 

Toby is the global product manager for Blustream. Over the past 15 years he has worked at the forefront of the AV industry, employed by manufacturers, distributors and large scale integrators in both Europe and Australia. Understanding the ‘real world’ challenges faced by integrators has helped Toby to focus Blustream product development on solutions that are t for their application. This hands-on tutorial will provide an overview of the new product features and an insight into some new exciting products coming to market over the next 3-4 months. 


Kordz – Insight to new industry standards; HDMI 2.0 and 4K UHD: Presented by James Chen

Definition of new 4K resolutions

New terms of reference for AV Installers; HFR, WCG, HDR

HDMI 2.0 highlights
- Bandwidth impact of UHD

HDMI cabling for UHD 

James is the CEO of the cable brand Kordz and is a long-term member of the CEDIA technology council. Since 2005 his career has been focused on the evolution of HDMI technology. Through his role at KORDZ and CEDIA as a certified instructor, James has made a direct contribution to the development of HDMI specifications and the integration of new standards of resolution. 

Refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided.

To book your place, email or call 0115 824 7000.

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