Prove your humanity


As we are all aware, the COVID-19 pandemic is still making an impact in the UK across many business sectors. With this in mind, show organisers have been consulting with all EI Live! exhibitors and visitors, with regards to running the show in October 2020 as planned or postponing until 2021.

Following several very well-attended Zoom conference calls with exhibitors and after looking at correspondence from those unable to attend the Zoom calls, show organisers have taken the decision to postpone the show until 2021.

The overwhelming consensus of opinion was that exhibitors did not want to run the risk of putting their staff in danger of catching the virus. The show’s organisers also surveyed all pre-registered visitors with a simple question – ‘Should the show go ahead, would you attend, Yes or No’ – and the response was 70% / 30% in favour of not attending.

EI Live! Event Director, David Kitchener, says, “The message from the industry has been that a postponement was the best option. What was coming over loud and clear, was that the industry is desperate to showcase its products and services to the industry, but safety comes first. Also, given recent experiences, if we went ahead with the show and the country experiences a spike with the virus, the Government could lock down again, scuppering any plans for this year.

“So, the decision is to postpone the show until early 2021, and we are negotiating with the venue now to secure dates for next year. Those dates will be communicated to the industry as soon as they are confirmed.”

However, there will still be a chance for exhibitors to showcase their products and services with the launch of EI Live! Interactive week’, a virtual event in late October (around the dates the live show would have taken place over over the entire week).

EI Live! Online October 2020!

For this year, EI Live! there will be a week-long series of events taking place online with a completely new initiative to provide a chance for EI Live! Exhibitors to demonstrate their latest designs and products.

Details are being finalised now and more information will reach exhibitor’s inbox in the coming weeks.

EI Live! Contacts

Event Director, David Kitchener  +44 (0)1634 673163,,

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