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At a time when integrators and retailers are rarely visiting clients’ properties if they are occupied, AWE has enhanced its packages portfolio to provide them with solutions to help keep business ticking over during the lockdown.

Initially focusing on home cinema, audio, and simple control solutions, these ‘installation-in-a-box’ packages are curated by the experts at AWE and form the building blocks to simplify the sales, specification, and most importantly, provide a solution for the installation process.

AWE has designed these packages to enable an initial DIY installation, which sees the integrator order the package from AWE, who then ships directly to the customer with all the important cables included. Each package has a simple set-up guide, which when supported remotely by the integrator will enable the vast majority of homeowners to complete the set-up themselves.

AWE’s recommendation is that the integrator follows up after the lockdown to check the system over and complete a full hidden-wire installation. Are also argues this is also a good opportunity to provide a more advanced, expanded system.

With different variants of packages available, there are product combinations suitable for projects of a variety of sizes and price points. Each package includes a PDF sales sheet that highlights key features and benefits of the system. These documents can also be downloaded with space for integrators to skin the footer branding to market directly to their customer base. Instagram images are also available too.

Are says the technology included in the packages represents leading brands in the home technology field, and they have been carefully selected and grouped together to ensure optimum performance at the price point.

  • Home CinemaThe home cinema packages are split between TV and projector options and include products from Epson, Definitive Technology, Denon, Marantz, HEOS, KEF, Kinetik, and Sony.
  • AudioThese starter kits provide up to 4 audio zones and feature equipment from Definitive Technology, HEOS, and Kinetik.
  • ControlThe control packages can be used to facilitate control over single room AV, incorporating door entry and an ever-increasing number of whole-home smart devices like Hue, Sonos HEOS and alike.
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