Prove your humanity


The most important part of any multi-room audio/video system is the control system and on top of that the GUI.

One could have the best, most expensive equipment throughout your home, but without an intelligent and user friendly control system, it can be useless.

RTI not only offers fantastic hardware to control your equipment, but RTI also offers stunning software to create pin perfect control and the ability to give the end-user a fantastic user interface via tablets or their own line of remotes and keypads.

When speaking with customers about offering RTI, which we get via our distributor Invision UK, as a solution, the words, ‘I have a blank canvas’ come out a lot in regard to doing phone and tablet control systems.

This is what is great about RTI, being able to start with a blank canvas to offer the client a stunning interface to their whole house audio video system for browsing music, video and much more.

The user-interface is such an important part when controlling everything in the house it must offer everything the customer needs to control the lighting, audio and video, but it has to be simple to use.

The client has to be able to give it a friend or family member who is staying over, but not have to sit down for an hour to describe how it all works.

With iPad control this has become so easy, by offering rich, clean graphics it becomes clear to anyone when they pick up the iPad how to use it. Most of all you can remove all those unnecessary buttons that come with the factory remote that might change a setting here or there and give the customer just the necessities they need to enjoy their system.

We at the Sound Gallery always try to go a step further, during the time on site we get to understand client’s style, hobbies and interests, and we try to show our care and devotion into the job by bringing what we learn about customers into their system.

One customer is a massive Arsenal fan, so his please wait screen while his system turns on is a big logo of Arsenal, but also a news feed showing all the latest updates to his favourite club. Doing a stunning job in the spires of St. Pancras Train Station in London, all the background images reflected the great architecture around the building.

When you show the customer these personal touches they realise you have gone one step further than they thought you could or would. When they visit a friend who has a different control system that is the same for every other house, they understand they have something unique.

It is these small gestures we make at the Sound Gallery to make sure everyone feels they get a personal installation that is bespoke to their family. It is only thanks to RTI that we can offer such a fantastic service.

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