Prove your humanity


The German company, ZVEH (Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektro- und Informationstechnischen Handwerke) was recently lauded for its achievement of coming first in the category of Publicity for the KNX Association Awards 2020 for its collaborative project, the e-Haus.  

The KNX Association grants these awards to its members only once every two years.  The e-Haus project came through as the winner out of five of the very best projects, chosen from numerous hopefuls from all around the globe. 

In acceptance of the award, the ZVEH stated that, “receiving the KNX Publicity Award shows us that our house of smart living is a convincing concept. The e-Haus is demonstrating, in a vivid way, what German electrical contractors can do to boost comfort, security, and energy efficiency within a building by using innovative technologies and integration standards.” 

The e-Haus was conceived many years ago to demonstrate to the world the potential of innovative smart home technology integrated into the KNX technical standard system. The e-Haus project brings together multiple KNX innovative smart-home technologies to enable the construction and exhibition of the model house in order to demonstrate the home automation vision of the future.  

Since its development, this model house has had great success at many German-based and international exhibitions and trade-fairs. 

The technologies showcased in the eight modules of the e-Haus are regularly updated to show professional integrators the latest and best cutting-edge developments in the smart-home industry. 

The devices can be seen in action and manipulated by the visitor to get a full understanding of their capacities. This hands-on interaction clearly demonstrates the boost they can give to home automation systems when integrated into a home or office environment. 

The e-Haus is filled with many smart-home automation technologies. For example, a start-up based in France called ProKNX has contributed to the latest version of the e-Haus by installing cloud-free voice control as well as functions for age- and disabled-friendly living to show how smart home automation can keep people comfortable and safe in their homes.

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