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Maven Home Cinema

Traditional and Terrific Home Cinema

Director Rob Simmonds, Director at Maven, gives EI the tour of this award-winning project ‘Traditional Cinema’ which picked up the Best Home Cinema Over 50K at the Smart Building Awards....

The name is cinema, home cinema

This very special home needed a very special cinema of course and thanks to the efforts of install company Consexto, Trinnov and some of the best kit around, i...
home cinema

Parisian Panache

Award wining install company Henri created this impressive home cinema in the heart of Paris. Jonathan Plaideau, the project manager in charge of the project, explains, “This private theatre was part of a bigger project were doing for this client....

Control4 Q1 Revenues Up 34%

Control4 cites its acquisition of Pakedge and debut of its new EA Controllers as key contributors to strong revenue growth for Q1 2016...

Control4 Acquires Pakedge Device & Software

Now Control4 can provide networking expertise, a suite of networking, power management and cloud-based remote management capabilities, as well as an expanded sales channel of over 1,100 additional independent dealers...