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Unicam Innovation Hub Open For Business

Cutting edge technology is there for installers and customers to learn moreThe Innovation Hub is based at company HQ in LeedsAll Unicam brands are hand picked for high qualityDomestic and commercial focused brands can be see under one roofExperience all the brands Unicam has to offer The Hub is a chance to get hands on with the products

Dubbed as a digital playground in the heart of the UK, distributor Unicam has opened an innovative new way to interact with and learn more about the brands it distributes.

Unicam says that by paying a visit to this Leeds-based facility, installers and end users are able to get hands on with the latest, most exciting technology available, explore what’s possible and learn how technology can change and impact on businesses and customer journies in the all-new Unicam Innovation Hub.

Unicam explains that the Innovation Hub has been built to support and drive the next generation of UX and technology insights for the ever moving, ‘omni-channel’ world. The Innovation Hub focuses on key areas such as retail, corporate, marketing and all things digital. The company’s experts are on hand to guide visitors through the maze of technology and help them develop the next killer idea for a business.

The Innovation Hub also brings CEDIA training sessions to a new base in the north of England, offering a range of courses in Unicam’s purpose built collaborative training facility.

The Innovation Hub is open now and visitors can book tickets by visiting here.

Unicam’s brand offering include high-quality integrated TVs from ad notam, connectivity and control from HDanywhere, Global Caché, loudspeakers from Garvan and Novasonar along with iPod docking products from viveroo.

The company also deliver support and design assistance to get the most from domestic and commercial projects.

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