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Sound Environment’s Carmen Greenway Passes Away

Sound Environment’s operations director, Carmen Greenway, has sadly passed away following a cycling accident last month.


The news was announced by CEDIA, where Carmen made significant impact; having been one of the most popular personalities within the custom installation community.

Aged only 41, Carmen was rushed to hospital following a cycling accident last month where she spent six days in hospital, on the road to making a recovery, before suffering a fatal cardiac event as a result of her injuries.

Carmen has been an integral part of Sound Environment’s growth and success for many years, but more than that, she was a friend to everyone she met.

Carmen is described by all that knew her as a lover of life, a devoted wife to her husband and business partner, Rufus, and a mother adored by her two sons, Rafferty and Finlay.

Rufus Greenway comments: “The tragic death of my wife just highlights that accidents can happen to any of us at some point. Contrary to suggestions in the national press, she was not taking a selfie at the time of her accident, nor was she drunk.

“She was simply riding her bike without a cycle helmet. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but, in light of what happened, I’d just like to ask everyone to pause and think before they ride, and check they are doing the right thing for themselves and their loved ones. We all miss Carmen very much.”

Carmen’s accident comes amid increased calls for motorists to pay more attention to cyclists on the road. In 2014 a total of 21,287 cyclists either died or were injured having been involved in a cycling accident – showcasing the need for increased awareness amongst motorists.

CEDIA has opened a just giving page for those who wish to support Rufus and his family. You can choose to make a donation (in lieu of flowers) to enable the family to do something in her memory at a later stage.

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