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Technology behemoth Google has now introduced an ‘easy-to-learn’ platform called ‘Learn with Google AI’, basically a set of educational resources developed by Machine Learning (ML) experts at the company. The platform has been designed to help people learn about concepts, develop skills, and apply artificial intelligence to problems/projects out in the real world. Could this help the install community advance this side of functionality, we wonder.

The concept was introduced via a blog from Zuri Kemp who heads up this area of Google and the company hopes it will help interested parties to work out AI can solve challenging problems. This site provides ways to learn about core ML concepts, develop and hone ML skills, and apply ML to real-world problems. From deep learning experts looking for advanced tutorials and materials on TensorFlow, to those who want to take their first steps with AI or anyone looking for educational content from ML experts at Google should be able to find something suitable.

‘Learn with Google AI’ also comprises of exercises, interactive visualisations and modules, and instructional videos as well. The course is listed as approximately 15 hours which have over 40 exercises included.

Learn with Google AI also features a free course called Machine Learning Crash Course (MLCC), which provides exercises, interactive visualisations and instructional videos that anyone can use to learn and practice ML concepts.

The MLCC course does not presume or require any prior knowledge in machine learning, to understand the concepts presented and complete the exercises, mastery of intro-level algebra and proficiency in programming basics and some experience coding in Python is very useful though.

Google has stated that the engineering education team originally developed the fast-paced, practical introduction to ML fundamentals for Googlers. Up until now, more than 18,000 Googlers have enrolled in MLCC, applying lessons from the course to enhance camera calibration for Daydream devices, build virtual reality for Google Earth, and improve streaming quality at YouTube.

Genuine AI has yet to really penetrate the smart home sector, but the sings are there that is it coming and with initiatives like this, the process is likely to be quickened.

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