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The third incarnation of Pakedge Device and Software Inc.’s BakPak Cloud Management System has been released.

“This is so much more than power cycling and rebooting – BakPak’s intelligence empowers integrators with broader and deeper system control while allowing companies to save on labour overhead by simplifying and automating the more tedious maintenance and management processes,” says Victor Pak, CEO of Pakedge.

“BakPak 3.0 monitors, alerts, assigns, maps, repairs, manages and reports. There’s not another remote management system like it.”

Only available on limited release since its launch as InfoComm Pakedge, the upgrade is now on full release and the NP36 network patroller will be shipped with the new software.

For those unfamiliar with the system, the cloud-based remote management solution gives integrators end-to-end control from a distance with in-depth monitoring of network devices and control systems.

BakPak does this with prioritised alerts, robust permission settings, automated network repair and mapping, easy configuration management, report logging, backup and restore functionality and TriPlex – a troubleshooting system that determines the cause of the problem in case of a network outage or configuration error and suggests potential fixes.

If the problem cannot be resolved through BakPak’s own self-healing functionality, TriPlex will report to the user the source of the problem on the network, allowing integrators to repair the issue or prevent it from occurring again.

The system also creates a log of activities, useful as should BakPak be unable to restart the system and it becomes necessary to make a site visit, the integrator has a list of procedures that were already attempted as well as the direct cause of and location of the problem in the network.

The manufacturer adds that should BakPak’s built-in self-healing features not be able to resolve a network failure, integrators can count on the intuitive alert system, arguing it is intelligent enough to pinpoint which device failure caused the network to crash.

Alerts can also be delivered into one of five prioritisation categories based on their criticality to the network – with a separate category for wireless and IoT devices to prevent alerts from devices that go online and offline frequently.

Within BakPak’s device view and network map, profiles and devices are colour-coded to allow users to quickly and easily note the device’s status – green if everything is up to date and working, yellow if the device is working but needs an update, or red if the device is down and needs immediate attention.

Also with BakPak 3.0, firmware updates for Pakedge devices can now be pushed across all devices across multiple sites with the click of a single button.

Power scheduling, power cycling and power control on PoE switches and PDUs can be managed as groups as well.

Intelligent device management and third party device integration is also a core part of the service, with greater support for more third party devices being added constantly.

At launch, BakPak 3.0 boasts compatibility for Control4, Crestron, Middle Atlantic and Panamax devices.

For third party devices not natively supported within BakPak’s own interface, users can use BakPak to access the built-in GUI of any third party device on the network, allowing configuration and management from anywhere.

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