Ilya Kandibur, the integrator responsible for this epic commercial-meets-residential home cinema/automation/club install, used a Crestron distribution system and touchpanel to propose to his girlfriend.
Ilya is the owner of Southern California based integrator, Movietime, but at the time of the proposal he worked for Superior AV Systems.
Ilya explains how he pulled it off:
“I am a Crestron dealer out of Southern California, so I was lucky enough to have the kind of equipment available in our home to pull it off. We have a demonstration theatre upstairs as well as a 12in video panel downstairs in the kitchen area. My girlfriend was celebrating her 33rd birthday at the house and it was a pretty large party (about 30 people or so) with a Breakfast at Tiffany’s theme. Part of the event was watching that film in our theatre.

I put together the video well in advance and programmed the 8X in the theatre and the TPS5K panel downstairs to run the show. The DVD player has a video feed into the downstairs panel so I could control and monitor without being in the room with them. Once I executed the code it stopped their movie and switched over to my video I prepared. I knew not everyone would want to watch the movie upstairs, so the rest of us all gathered downstairs around the panel and watched the same video unfold with the audio coming from the ceiling speakers courtesy of the PAD8.
Once I popped the question and everyone went nuts; I paused the video and used another button that took the 8X in the theater out of standby, raised the lights and changed to the page with the marriage proposal question. I had live feedback for when she pressed YES on the panel which I could see downstairs, which then continued the video. After that it was pretty much getting our dog to run into the room in sync with when it happened in the video and then I walked in shortly afterward.”
The entire proposal is documented in the video below.
This article first appeared on CE Pro.