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It’s no secret that the Google Assistant is infinitely better at answering questions than its competitors, but it’s now getting better at handling multiple requests at once. This improvement began in November, when it was announced that the Google Home would be able to answer two queries at a time, but now Google is going one step further by adding support for three queries.

Those with a Google Home can currently ask things such as ‘OK Google, turn the volume to max and play music’, but with a third request users can throw in yet another command. That could be something like, ‘OK Google, turn off the lights, turn up the volume, and play music’.

The official Made by Google Twitter account announced the change to multitasking, noting that it will be available in the English language, meaning those in the US, UK, Canada and Australia will have access to the new feature. The multitasking functionality will still require the word ‘and’ between commands, however.


Despite only having just announced the three-query multitasking feature, users have been able to get Google Home to control several devices in one command since February. The way to do that is by using a feature called Routines, which allows users to create custom workflows that can be activated with a single voice command. This is already common in the smart home industry.

Using Routines, users can set their lights, thermostat, music, oven, and just about any smart gadget to all work in harmony. This feature is continuing to improve, with Google also announcing a Routine Suggestions option to developers at its I/O conference back in May.

There’s no word on when the three-query multitasking feature will officially launch, but given its confirmation on Twitter, we expect it to show up any day now.

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