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Gira System 3000 Gains Lighting Control Capabilities

Modern black and white livingroom in modern 3d rendered interior (focus on couch and lamp)A brown haired woman sits comfortably on a couch at home with a tablet in her hands. The screen of the tablet is visible.

Gira is making its System 3000 blind controller more flexible than ever, expanding its capabilities beyond simply controlling blinds. The modular system can be fitted out with a variety of modules, but thanks to a new update, the Gira System 3000 can now turn lights on or off, or even dim the lights to an appropriate level.  

What makes this update of the Gira System 3000 really interesting, is the fact that users will now be able to get modules that offer both blind control and lighting control from just one, simple-to-fit unit. Users are spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing a module; Gira offers everything from manual switches, blind or lighting timers, and motion or light level sensors. That’s in addition to all the smart functions that are supported, such as control through the Gira mobile app.  

Mark Booth, Managing Director, Gira UK says “This new design feature is the result of complete integration of both lighting and blind control through simple extension. By doing so, we have been able to guarantee systematic operation that addresses the current market desire for multi-functional, high-tech smart solutions that require zero effort with maximum results. 

“Smart technology in the home has never been easier, more convenient or eco-friendly: helping a building gain a competitive edge by virtue of an intelligent blind control system solution.”  

All Gira System 3000 products have been designed to be easily programmed, with no special programming tools required. That’s because the set-up is completely done via the Gira Bluetooth app. That’s useful, as there are now numerous products that users may want to have installed throughout their home.  

The Gira System 3000 blind control system previously contained Standard and Memory operating top units, as well as an integrated blind timer with display. New products added to the range include: 

  • Gira System 3000 blind timer and timer Bluetooth 
  • Gira System 3000 motion detector top unit 1.10 m Standard 
  • Gira System 3000 motion detector top unit 2.20 m Komfort Bluetooth 
  • Gira System 3000 presence and motion detector 360° top unit Bluetooth 

Other features include a Gira System 3000 universal dimmer which allows the end-user to adjust LED brightness levels and colour temperature to suit individual needs. The universal LED rotary dimming insert Standard and the universal LED rotary dimming insert Komfort replace eight existing dimming inserts. The product range also includes the rotary auxiliary insert, 3-wire, for LED dimmers. 

The System 3000 blind control customised time program is also available with an astro function for added convenience. The integrated astro function makes it possible to dynamically adapt to changes in sun position and time of year automatically: sunrise and sunset and the changeover between summer and winter season. 

Booth concludes, “Smart technology in your home has never been easier, more convenient or eco-friendly: helping homeowners save on utility bills by lowering the blinds and minimizing potential heat loss when needed. With the option to control either manually or automatically, users can store personal blind and light control settings at the push of a button. Settings include movement times for all seven days and the ability to be customised separately for weekdays and the weekend via the simple-to-use control menu.” 

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