Crestron’s annual training event, Masters 2015, has taken place at the company’s headquarters in Cobham, Surrey.
The event saw a number of Crestron programmers from across Europe, the Middle East and Asia descending on the UK to train, discuss best practices, network and to build on existing knowledge and relationships.
It wasn’t all work and no play however, with Crestron also offering attendees an evening boat trip along the River Thames in London.
The Crestron Masters program continues well in to next week with another session set to take place in Germany, which will see nearly 140 programmers going through the initiative.
Achieving the Crestron Masters status is no mean feat either, with programmers required to undergo rigorous training, as well as gaining extensive experience in the field.
After all this training and experience, the candidates for the program will then require stringent testing to see if they really know their stuff.
Attending three Masters Classes will gain programmers a ‘Silver’ designation after they’ve passed the initial exam, while attending an additional three more will gain those people ‘Gold’ status.
From there programmers can further their knowledge by attending three more classes and passing a final exam, at which point they will be graced with ‘Platinum’ level.
Crestron hopes that those going through the program will be able to deliver the best possible service to customers, as well as maintain their knowledge of the company’s latest product ranges.
Masters 2015 in Cobham was an invitation-only event, with introductions being made by Steven Dullaert, director of customer support EMEA.
The three-day event featured a range of courses covering the latest Crestron software and hardware.
There were workshops available for SIMPL#PRO, which according to Crestron proved a keen favourite for many delegates attending the event.