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Redline Praises The Virtues Of Totem

Redline has announced that it is now the official distributor for the entire Custom Install range of loudspeakers from high-quality Canadian manufacturer, Totem.

Famed for a characterful, open and big soundstage since its launch in 1989 with the Totem Acoustic Model One, Redline says this brand has music at its heart and has won many fans driven by a passion for musical performance inspired by company founder, Vince Bruzzese.

Originally building its brand in the Hi-Fi sector, in more recent times Totem has experienced significant success in North America and Canada with its Custom Install range, as installers have been impressed by the performance.

Now installers in the UK can get full access via a new distribution deal with Redline. The company will be working jointly with Joenit, a distribution company based in Belgium, which has been the Totem distributor into the UK and Benelux regions since the late 1990s.

Joenit will continue handling the Hi-Fi products and will have access to the Custom Install range, however, the main thrust for the integrated speakers will come through Redline, but with access to the Hi-Fi range on request.

Martin Morecroft, Redline Sales Director and company founder, comments, “The whole team is really excited to be able to offer this new opportunity to our customers. The Totem Custom Install range delivers that very rare animal – integrated speakers with genuine character, soul and a real feel for music. Choosing the integrated option is no longer a compromise on the sound, it really is the very best of both worlds.”

Built for accomplished audio performance

The Totem Custom Install family offers a full range of carefully constructed and high-quality options created to cover every integrated eventuality.

The Custom Install family consists of: Kin architectural in ceiling speakers, Kin in wall/in ceiling speakers, Kin surface mount speakers, Kin in room subwoofers, Tribe in wall subs, Tribe in wall speakers, Tribe on wall speakers and Tribe on wall subs.

All the speakers follow the same unique approach to speaker creation that has run through Totem’s DNA since it began.

For inspirational company founder, Vince Bruzzese, music and its language had always fascinated. Right from the start, Vince wanted to deliver music with more depth and emotion than rival speakers and he is still very hands-on to this day, rare in a brand delivering this volume of speakers.

Each speaker is also produced as an exact copy of the original design and everything is produced by the human ear and the vision Vince has for the product.

The main design ethic also involves removing as many parts from the audio chain as possible to produce a clean, pure and soulful sound.

All the drivers are built at company HQ by skilled knowledgeable people, who care about what they are doing.

Redline says that specifying this range into modern interiors with more hard surfaces than traditional homes is never a problem. The speakers still sound sweet and clean without being bright or harsh.

The distributor also argues that all the speakers have an amazing ability to ‘spread sound’ with an unrivalled and unique spatial soundscape. It is also said that all the speakers sound much bigger than you might expect given the compact dimensions. The Architectural versions particularly impress with a 75° dispersion.

The install method is conventional on all the in-wall and architectural speakers. All the speakers also have high torque nylon dog legs that can cope with double layer board.

The Architectural speakers all come with stainless steel grilles, optional back cans (for noise reduction) and a handy pre-construction kit that helps line up speakers off joists.

Martin concludes, “In a world of ‘me too’ products, it is great to be able to offer something that installers can use to genuinely add value and character. Totem will never be a global power-house of a brand, they don’t want to be, and that is where the relationship with the install community can really flourish, offering customers something they simply cannot get elsewhere.

“Music and audio with soul, delivered via beautifully styled and crafted cabinets. Totem is a brand with a glorious heritage, and they have been successful at transposing all of their abilities into the Custom InstalI line. For us, it’s an absolute pleasure dealing with Vince and his team. Get in touch and join us on this wonderful journey into better sounding homes.”

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