Nominations are now open for the 2021-2022 CEDIA Board of Directors. CEDIA’s Board of Directors influences the direction of the industry, governs the association’s activities, and represents the residential technology integration profession to the world.
“I encourage all CEDIA members to nominate leaders they feel are dedicated to the volunteer service that is the hallmark of our industry,” said CEDIA Chairman, Rob Sutherland. “Serving on the CEDIA Board of Directors not only offers an unmatched opportunity to shape the present and future of our industry, but it also brings with it tremendous personal pride and satisfaction in knowing you’re making a difference in all facets of residential technology. We’re eager to invite the very best leaders in our industry to step up and that starts with the board nomination process.”
There are four open elected board positions for the 2021-2022 term. There are no open appointed seats for the 2021 term.
CEDIA member integrators who are employees of a member company may be nominated, vetted by the Governance Committee, and proposed as candidates for the global membership vote. The vacancies in this election cycle may be filled by one CEDIA member in the EMEA region and three from the rest of the global membership.
The makeup of the board is tailored with regional representation that reflects the geographical density of the membership, reflecting one-third EMEA directors and the remaining directors representing members across the globe. Current board members continuing their service next year can be found on the board nomination page.
To nominate a candidate for the Board of Directors, individuals must fill out the nomination form found here. Nominations will be accepted until July 27, 2020. The board election process is governed and outlined by CEDIA’s bylaws. Voting for the 2021-2022 nominees will be open from September 9-21 October 2020: Elected board members will be announced immediately after the election and seated at the first board meeting in January 2021. All member types, whether integrator, manufacturer, service provider, or other, may vote and each company has one vote.