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TV Shield is promising that glare can be a thing of the past with its anti-glare film, which is available for a wide variety of device sizes, from medium sized TVs to large displays.

The company is promising to eliminate over 90% of the reflection and glare without diminishing the HD picture, as well as adding protection to your screen from scratches, dust, dirt and debris.

The TV Shield Glare Stopper is available in the following sizes:

• Medium TV Shield – 1169 x 679mm
• Large TV Shield – 1422 x 869mm
• Medium Display Shield – 1162 x 717mm
• Large Display Shield – 1422 x 908mm

While many will want the TV Shield to remain on their device, the company assures us that it can be easily removed, without any residue being left on the screen.

Of course the company is recommending the product to be bought for any outdoor location, but that’s to be expected, with glare being most prevalent when out in the sunshine.

The company is warning customers that due to the screen and application there will be space on either side of the screen that won’t get protected, making it easier to install.

Prices for the TV Shield start at £500 including VAT, with prices rising to over £1000 depending on size.

The product line-up is available now on the company’s website.

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