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People just aren’t interested in watching live TV anymore, or at least that would be what new figures released by AdAge suggests; with ratings falling 9% over the prior year through July.

Installers will be well aware of the increased interest in online media services and other forms of entertainment, as consumers move away from live TV.

In the US cable and satellite subscriptions continue to dwindle, something that is also happening this side of the pond.

While installers will still find themselves installing televisions, consumers are now demanding access to online streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Instant video; whether that access is given via a set-top box like the Apple TV or a bog-standard Smart TV.

Given the sea of change from consumers, installers will now have to increasingly focus on delivering a solid network experience, as more and more data is being pushed through the Internet.

Skilled installers are already in a position to offer their customers much more than just a Sky box, as installations of Apple’s TV set-top box, games consoles with media streaming services and other connected devices has continued to increase month over month.

Popular US TV shows are just now starting to return to the airwaves after a long break, but returning dramas supposedly suffered double digit declines in their ratings.

The picture is even more bleak when looking at millennials (18-to-24-year-olds) where viewing is down 20% against last year, with 24% fewer men in this age group watching TV.

This news comes hot on the heels of news of record subscribers for the likes of Netflix, as well as an increase in the number of original shows the streaming service produces.

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