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When Sky Q launched, many wondered why the company chose to equip it with 12 tuners, yet only allow the recording of three shows, while a fourth is being watched. Well, at the time Sky explained that four of the tuners were being used for streaming to Sky Q mini boxes and streaming from a tablet, although that still left four tuners vacant. Well, Sky is finally activating the last of the tuners, bringing the total number of shows that can be recorded at any one time up to six, while a seventh is being watch.

Users can only enjoy this feature on the top-end Sky Q Silver box, although it won’t be an automatic update for everyone. In fact, Sky will only activate the feature at the request of the user – only doing so when they want to record six shows at a time, or if they manually go into the settings to activate it. While that may seem odd, Sky has done so because by reserving those tuners for recording, it means losing access to some other key features.

The Sky Q guide currently offers live previews of channels when the user hovers over it, although that will no longer be possible if the sixth recording feature is activated. Nor will split screen view in Sky Sports, a feature that has been popular with sports fans.

Those wishing to take the plunge can activate the sixth recording by heading into the settings, clicking setup, then preferences, then change the maximum number of recordings from five to six. That’s it. From there, users will be able to record as many shows as the 2TB box will take, although it’s unlikely that many will be recording that many shows at any one time.

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