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CEDIA’s Tech Forum event is rapidly approaching, with members set to descend on the British Library Conference Centre in London on Wednesday November 25.

As part of the proceeding one of the event’s official sponsors, Meridian Audio, has announced plans to provide a training session on high resolution audio.

“We are delighted to be supporting the CEDIA Tech Forum,” says Barry Sheldrick, director of sales at Meridian Audio.

“This event is a great opportunity for the industry to come together and share ideas and knowledge to help drive innovation and encourage best practice in custom integration.

“We are looking forward to sharing our expertise in high resolution audio with installers, and networking with key industry figures.”

Meridian’s presentation, entitled ‘High Resolution Audio – What Does it mean to you and your clients?’, will address the difference between high resolution audio and standard resolution and what is required to achieve it.

It will outline how components along the whole chain can affect audio performance and explain how installers can maintain high resolution from the server through to the loudspeaker.

The session will also look at the way different audio formats produce varying levels of performance and how it is crucial to know the details of these formats and how they can affect audio resolution.

The session will be hosted by Barry Sheldrick and Matt Holland from Meridian and will take place at 12:30 pm in Room 2 at The British Library.

To book a place on the Meridian course, visit

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