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Invison UK has announced the dates and venue for its annual showcase, moving to a larger venue – Mercedes-Benz World, Weybridge, Surrey.

Strictly trade-only, visitors to the showcase are being promised the very latest technology innovations from over 20 manufacturers all under one roof, including 4K/HD distribution and displays, IP video surveillance, Dolby Atmos home cinema, AV control solutions, high-resolution audio, waterproof/in-wall TVs, architectural loudspeakers, smart thermostats, networking devices and lighting control systems.

“Don’t miss out on attending this show at our new venue,” comments Steve Beahan, Invision UK’s managing director. “It’s all about exciting new stuff for the connected home and attendees will have the opportunity to spend important one-on-one time with our manufacturer partners.

“But, it’s more than just a showcase; this annual expo is an opportunity for our key customers to explore new opportunities to grow their business and exchange ideas with like-minded installers.”

Participating brands, training seminars and keynote speakers will be announced during April. Entry is free to registered attendees.

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