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Focal Debuts Its First In-Wall Subwoofer Alongside Dedicated Amp

In-wall subwoofers are nothing new, but Focal is finally getting in on the game with its first having been announced at ISE 2019 last week. Part of the 100 Series range, the 100 IWSUB8 represents the first time the company has made available a subwoofer that can be integrated directly into the architecture of a room and is joined by a brand-new dedicated amplifier, the 100 IWSUB8 Amplifier.

Both the amplifier and in-wall subwoofer have been designed to complement the existing range of 100 Series products, which includes a whole plethora of in-wall and in-ceiling speakers. A subwoofer provides much-needed bass to the system, and means that installers can now keep the room clean with everything hidden in the walls, rather than having a standalone subwoofer ruin the aesthetic.

The Focal 100 IWSUB8 includes an 8in Polyglass speaker driver and a front vent with a streamlined inner frame, which the company says guarantees no-noise operation. Installers will be able to install the subwoofer during pre-construction of the walls using 16in OC students, while the shallow in-wall depth of 33/8in should make it an easy fit. That shallow depth shouldn’t impede bass performance, with Focal promising bass cut-off frequency of 30Hz to -6db.

Those opting for the in-wall subwoofer from Focal can also get a dedicated amplifier to power it, thanks to the 100 IWSUB8 Amplifier. This amp can be rack-mounted and is capable of powering up to two subwoofers connected in parallel, delivering 200W of power over 4ohms.

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