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CEDIA has created a new whitepaper named the ‘UK VAT Guidance Notes for Home Technology Professionals’.

The guideline explores how a business administers VAT, the VAT schemes available and notes on avoiding the pitfalls and penalties of UK laws when being clear on what can and can’t be claimed.

The latter section of the document highlights new build schemes, explaining where clients can save on VAT via these schemes.

“It is important for all business owners within the custom install industry to be clear of the rules and regulations on VAT,” explains Wendy Griffiths, executive director of CEDIA EMEA.

“Knowing about VAT and being able to administer the schemes is a huge business advantage and one that companies cannot afford to miss.”

CEDIA has ensured all information is correct and up to date. This includes the most recent August 2014 update to VAT Notice 708 (Building and Construction) from HMRC that confirms that central controls for light, heat and ventilation – including intelligent lighting systems – have been added to the list of ‘ordinarily’ incorporated items in the home.

The UK VAT Guidance Notes for Home Technology Professionals is available to non-members to purchase for £35.00 and free to CEDIA members by visiting

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