CEDIA has revealed the first details of its anticipated awards ceremony by announcing its categories for 2015.
“As one of the industry’s leading events, it is important that our awards reflect the changes in the custom install sector,” explains Wendy Griffiths, executive director at CEDIA.
“We recognised that the price bracket for the media room category wasn’t accurate and have therefore decided to change it. We take pride in our awards scheme as it provides a platform for our members to showcase their best work. By altering the categories slightly, we feel that we will reach a wider audience and hope to receive more entries from our members.
CEDIA has revised the entry categories which now include adjusted price brackets and altered category titles.
The full categories are as follows:
• Best Media Room under £10,000 (revised)
• Best Media Room over £10,000 (revised)
• Best Energy Management Solution
• Best Multiple Scheme for a Property Developer
• Best Yacht Installation
• Best Integrated Home under £100,000
• Best Integrated Home £100,000 – £250,000
• Best Integrated Home over £250,000
• Best Showroom
• Best Training Initiative by a Trade Supplier
• Best Custom Solution (previously Best Innovative Solution)
• Best Innovative Product
• Best Lighting Scheme (revised)
• Best Dressed Rack
• Best Home Cinema under £40,000
• Best Home Cinema £40,000 – £100,000
• Best Home Cinema over £100,000
Additionally, CEDIA will recognise and celebrate the contribution of individuals to the work of CEDIA and the development and growth of the residential custom installation industry with its Special Recognition Award.
CEDIA members will also be invited to choose their Best Trade Supplier in a special online vote organised as part of the scheme.
The scheme is free to enter and open to CEDIA members across EMEA.
The CEDIA Awards will open for online entries in February 2015, with a closing date foreseen in April 2015. The majestic Gala Dinner announcing the winners will take place in July 2014. Full details will be announced in the New Year.