CEDIA will be presenting a host of free to attend talks at the Residential Solutions Theatre, covering topics from business development and marketing, to future technologies and keeping it custom.
All talks will be hosted by CEDIA representatives, each of whom are subject matter experts in their own field.
For a schedule, full information on each talk and its presenter, please visit the Residential Solutions Theatre page on www.iseurope.org.
Some select courses:
The Future Is Better Than You Think
Over the last decade, many have lamented the increased commoditisation and lowering margin of custom electronic products.
However, in many cases, the fear and perceived frustration of the ‘race to the bottom’ is unfounded.
Join Dave Pedigo, senior director of Learning & Emerging Technologies as he covers the future of the home technology industry.
From Home Theatre to Virtual Reality
Home Theatre is evolving into a completely different kind of home experience.
Today’s head mounted VR displays, like Oculus Rift, will become fully interactive, multi-person immersive experiences that happen in very special custom rooms.
Together with Rich Green, you can explore how we will get there.
Slow Technology
In today’s fast-paced, always-on, mobile-centric world we sometimes forget what it means to be present in the moment.
This talk will explore some creative ways to slow technology down, giving us the time and space to fully appreciate what it means to be a human being living with people we care about and love.
Can we design the home of the future to be a thoughtful refuge from the pounding distractions of modern technology?
The Three C’s of Great Communication
Success in your marketing communications is built on credible, creative content.
Find out how you can use the three C’s to build your business reputation, engage your customers and generate greater visibility in the market.
Staying Alive in the DIY World
The DIY Technology market is growing, and with that, it brings its own challenges. But this isn’t necessarily bad thing for the custom installer.
There are a lot of positives to be had from more homes adopting technology.
This presentation will aim to point out how the custom install channel can leverage the opportunities of the DIY market rather than fear it.