CEDIA, joint venture partners of ISE, brings the most extensive education programme ever to the 2016 show.
Attendees will be able to access more than 30 training sessions over the four days, covering a vast range of technology and business topics with places available for pre-booking at an early bird discounted rate, available until January 15 2016.
“The CEDIA training programme for ISE 2016 will be the most comprehensive ever for home technology professionals,” says Simon Buddle, CEDIA’s education director. “From a technology perspective, courses will cover future innovations heading our way led by renowned US experts Rich Green and CEDIA’s own Dave Pedigo, as well as immersive home cinema audio, advanced networking, lighting control, hi-resolution audio, rack-building and much, much more. Business owners will also have plenty to take away from ISE with training available on how to work with architects and developers, cash-flow and managing business growth.
“Delegates will also have the opportunity to take examinations to become an Electronic Systems Technician, Designer and Networking Specialist,” he adds.
“Whatever the skill-set you wish to develop, the CEDIA ISE Training Programme will have content for you. It’s full of content, packed with important information for business keen to succeed and delivered by excellent, very knowledgeable presenters.”
In addition, CEDIA will also be offering a series of free, bite-size TED talks in the Residential Solutions Theatre at ISE, with thought leaders in the industry exploring an array of issues, ranging from slow technology to social media in business.
CEDIA representatives will be available on the Association’s stand throughout ISE to answer questions and provide information about CEDIA’s work across EMEA (the UK, Europe, Africa, the CIS, the Middle East, India and Pakistan) and the benefits that membership brings.
Read on for the full course schedule.
Day 1 – Monday February 8 2016
Peter Aylett – Home Cinema Design Workshop, 9:30 – 17:00
Built around applying the CEDIA/CEA Home Cinema Audio and Video Recommended Practices documents, this interactive full day workshop combines teaching in the morning with an afternoon of practical design working on real world projects.
Topics covered include the new immersive audio formats, value engineering, designing for 4K, acoustic treatments and maximising audio performance. It is recommended that all attendees have some experience in the specification, design and installation of home cinemas.
All attendees will be given copies of the CEDIA Audio, Video and Room Design recommended practices along with CEDIA’s new Immersive Audio speaker layout recommendations.
Simon Buddle – Sub Systems Design and Integration, 9:30 – 17:00
Systems integration is seen by many as the jewel in the crown of the custom installer. This course will take an in-depth look at all of the sub systems that make up a typical custom install project.
Understanding each system’s components, communications and demarcation points will enable attendees to design, install and program jobs successfully to practical completion.
The day will consist of design fundamentals, communications protocols and user interface design, as well as third party integration best practice policy and regulations.
Geoff Meads – Advanced Networking, 9:30 – 17:00
With residential networks becoming more complex, it is vital that home integration engineers can confidently install networks that are robust and secure. This course delivers the knowledge and skills required to start building more complex networks, featuring a mix of classroom and practical exercises using a variety of networking equipment.
Guy Singleton – Residential Lighting Control – 9:30 – 17:00
The course is aimed at developing the skills of installation engineers and designers who have a basic understanding of lighting control. The course will offer a hands-on session with a strong emphasis on regulation and safety. This includes BS7671 and Part L compliance.
Students will also learn about energy consumption and other ecological considerations.
Other related issues such as bathroom fans, emergency lighting, blinds, awnings and weather stations will also be discussed. Attendees will discover common pitfalls and establish best practice in all areas. The afternoon will also include a practical session where the different types of dimming are examined.
Day 2 – Tuesday February 9 2016
Nick Pidgeon – Building the Perfect Rack, 9:30 – 11:00
This course will provide a brief overview and structural methodology for rack building, from initial planning stages through to future servicing. The course will discuss best practices, the importance of wiring choices and standardisations that can be applied to projects of all sizes.
Attendees can expect to gain a deeper understanding into the different types of racks and how to apply the correct knowledge for overcoming issues for wiring, connectivity and rack build as a whole.
Rich Green – Future Technologies: The Silicon Valley Scoop, 9:30 – 11:00
This popular course provides a new perspective on stampeding technologies, their importance and how they can make businesses more profitable. Students will learn about dozens of new technologies that are emerging from the secret labs of Silicon Valley. This course is a perfect precursor to ‘Design Thinking & Client Discovery Workshop’ where attendees will learn how to implement these new technologies into cutting edge designs.
Simon Buddle – Principles of Project Management, 9:30 – 13:00
This course focuses solely on project management exploring the time, cost and quality triangle within the context of the custom installation world and how to overcome the unique challenges of a CI project. The course will identify the key elements required for a student to successfully deliver a project on time, in budget and within scope.
Aimed at those who are new to project management, this is step on a journey in to professional project management.
Dave Pedigo – New Technologies Update, 11:30 – 13:00
Focusing on home technology and consumer trends that will shape CI businesses in the next five years, this fast paced seminar will prepare those who attend for the hyper-change that is now happening in the industry. This thought provoking seminar is essential for anyone wanting an insight into the future of home technology.
Dave Robinson – So You Need to Interface With BMS? – 11:30 – 13:00
Building Management Systems (or BMS) is a catch-all term that covers electronic controls used to control mechanical services in buildings; very common in commercial buildings, BMS is now increasingly being found in many high-end residential properties.
Custom Installers are often required to interface with these systems, or sometimes asked to provide the BMS themselves. This course will explain what systems are typically covered by a BMS, and why there is a requirement for a dedicated specialist system, with its special HVAC functions and algorithms.
Other topics covered will be the importance of energy management, and how the BMS can help with this. Typical interfacing techniques, and the complications and pitfalls of dealing with contractors who may be more familiar with systems in commercial buildings will also be explored.
David Meyer – UHD, HDMI, HDBaseT Bandwidth & System Design, 14:00 – 17:30
This course looks at hardware compatibility through to the connectivity profile fo+r UltraHD, and where the technology is likely to go from here, including HDMI 2.0, HDR, UltraHD Blu-ray and HDCP 2.2. We will also discuss bandwidth implications, source content, display types, connectivity options and overall system design requirements.
David Graham – How to Work Profitably with Architects, 14:00 – 15:30
Many custom installers will experience working on larger installation projects alongside an architect and probably an interior designer too. This course will help installers establish themselves as a firm part of the design team. This course will discuss the role of key stakeholders in a project and how to identify the decision maker. The issues surrounding ownership of the project, working effectively with other design professionals, and how to achieve repeat business from these professionals will be explored on this course.
Geoff Meads – Wireless Networking, 14:00 – 17:30
Wi-Fi connectivity is a key communication method for much of the personal technology used today. It is essential that AV engineers fully understand wireless technology to ensure fast and reliable service to their customers.
This one-day course, the third in CEDIA’s Networking School, goes back to basics to understand the fundamental technology behind wireless and RF (Radio Frequency) transmission as a physical layer in the OSI model. The course compares wireless to other physical layer types and explores the behaviours of RF considering data speed, frequency and coverage.
Students will also learn about wireless security, making sure customer networks are protected and how to expand a wireless network to cover larger areas.
Sam Woodward – The LED Revolution, 16:00 – 17:30
LED’s are fast becoming the dominant light-source in both homes and businesses. Promising high efficiency, long life and many exciting new optical options, this might be the wonder-technology that the world has been waiting for.
Successful LED lighting installations requires a deeper understanding of control techniques, dimming issues and system design. This seminar examines common challenges, and gives delegates a range of strategies for success.

Day 3 – Wednesday February 10 2015
Peter Aylett – CEDIA Outreach Instructor, 9:30 – 17:00
Available to all CEDIA members, this one day CEDIA Outreach Instructor (COI) workshop will teach attendees the basic skills necessary to deliver an effective presentation, as well as a clearer understanding of the RIBA accredited CEDIA CPD course ‘Designing Integrated Future-Ready Homes”’.
By attending the Outreach Instructor course, attendees will be able to deliver this CPD course, opening the doors to regular communication with architectural practice and obtaining a number of sales leads.
Richard Hollinshead – Making the Most of HD Audio, 9:30 – 11:00
This course will discuss the difference between standard and high resolution audio, the available audio formats, sources, and the requirements to use them. The requirements for maintaining HD audio performance will also be covered.
Justin Martin-Lawrence – The Importance of Remote Management, 9:30 – 11:00
This course will explore the requirements and options for remote management of IP. The ability to support and maintain security, control and media delivery in the connected home through remote network-based systems, port forwarding routes and VPNs, relies on the bandwidth available from service providers. Increasingly this is insufficient for proper diagnosis and resolution. We need a better answer.
Rich Green – Design and Client Discovery, 11:30 – 13:00
This course will introduce the notion of ‘Design Thinking’ to give integrators the tools they need to perform effective client discovery and needs assessment from a human-centric, end user perspective. This course will discuss how design is different from engineering and will introduce practical methods that can be used for every project, including client interview techniques, radical brainstorming and rapid prototyping to test ideas well before the project is ‘engineered’.
Sam Woodward – Simplifying Control – How Not to Annoy the Users, 11:30-13:00
The technology available for the home continues to advance. Systems may be ever-more complex on the inside, yet it remains essential that that should be simple to use from the outside.
End users must not become confused and frustrated by their experiences in interacting with technology. This course examines user-interface design and the specification of sensor systems. It provides practical considerations for user-friendly installations, and examines a variety of generic solutions from switches to screens.
Sam Woodward – Integrating Natural and Artificial Light, 14:00-15:30
The light in homes and offices comes from both artificial and natural sources. The intelligent integration of automatic window treatments and artificial lighting control is essential. This course examines how to control both at once, so that window treatments and dimmers work in harmony to optimise user comfort, convenience and energy conservation. Attendees will gain a practical overview of techniques, and real-world do’s-and-don’ts when designing a system.
Jon Peterman – Cash is King, 14:00 – 15:30
Have you ever suffered from a lack of cash even though you are making a profit? Are you working hard and still find there is no money to pay yourself at the end of the month? Are you growing on paper but still have an unhealthy bank balance?
This course will teach attendees simple yet effective techniques to improve their business finances. Best practice for cash-flow management will be discussed along with practical examples. This course will look at the impact of cash flow strategies and tactics within a business and spend time looking at areas for review when rating where attendees own businesses stands today.
Rich Green – Sales Estimating and Proposals, 16:00 – 17:30
Estimating and proposal writing are a fine art and must always follow a thorough design process for client discovery and needs assessment. A good design process will reveal the right problems to solve. This course picks up from problem definition and delves into systematic data gathering and estimating techniques that will result in more profitable projects. This course will cover different styles of proposal writing with real examples from successful projects large and small.
Adrian Ickeringill – How to Work Profitably with Developers, 16:00 – 17:30
This course will cover the opportunities and pitfalls of selling into multi-dwelling developments and house builders, understanding the requirements for the inclusion of home automation in new build developments.
From build schedules and building regulations, to sales and marketing, this course will guide students in the right direction to make a success of this market.
Day 4 – Thursday February 11 2015
Future Technologies: The Silicon Valley Scoop, 9:30 – 11:00
This popular course provides a new perspective on stampeding technologies, their importance, and how they can make Ci businesses more profitable. Students will learn about dozens of new technologies that are emerging from the secret labs of Silicon Valley.
This course is a perfect precursor to ‘Design Thinking & Client Discovery Workshop’ where attendees will learn how to implement these new technologies into cutting edge designs.
Ken Erdman – Essential Maths Skills for Technicians, 9:30 – 13:00
Maths, science and engineering skills are an essential part of any home technology technician’s toolbox. The ability to understand the technical workings of a system by applying scientific calculations is vital for the design and installation of any home technology application.
This half-day course will discuss the most essential mathematical and engineering skills and how to apply them to the world of residential home technology. The class will be based on the mixed needs of attendees and will aim to bring all students to the level required to pass the scientific elements of the EST2 exam.
Peter Aylett – Designing Rooms for Immersive Audio, 9:30 – 11:00
Dolby, Auro, and DTS have now all released immersive audio formats that are the most important development in home theatre audio since stereo. By using case studies, this session examines how to design a room and correctly place speakers to ensure that clients receive the best possible results regardless of format.
Dave Pedigo – New Technologies Update, 11:30 – 13:00
This thought provoking seminar is essential for those wanting an insight into the future of home technology. Focusing on current home technology and consumer trends, this fast paced seminar will prepare attendees for the hyper-change that is now happening in the industry.
Jon Peterman – Three Vital Steps to Grow a Business, 11:30-13:00
This course will explore how to run a custom install business rather than letting it run you. This session will cover the three key areas of time, team and money; identifying simple yet highly effective strategies to help achieve key business goals, personal aims and ambitions.
Ken Erdman – Securing Your Customer’s Network, 14:00-15:30
With every subsystem now potentially touching the network, it is critical that wired and wireless networks are correctly secured. This is a combination of managing hardware, software and wetware. This essential seminar will discuss the privacy and security risks behind storing data over both networks before exploring simple ways that both wired and wireless networks can be secured.
This session will also discuss how best to implement a backup strategy. Though some previous networking knowledge is preferable, this course is suitable for anyone who needs to sell, install and manage wired and wireless networks.
Geoff Meads – 20 Website ‘Must Haves’, 14:00-15:30
A great website for any CI company isn’t an option, it’s a necessity. Even if the majority of business comes from referrals, most customers WILL check a business’s website before contacting them, making a website one of the most powerful marketing assets.
This course provides essential information on the 20 key attributes of a successful website, their implementation and their effects. Examples discussed will be from within the AV industry and beyond. This session will look at design, information architecture, SEO, usability, accessibility and mobile compatibility to name just a few.
Rich Green and Peter Aylett – Design Thinking and Client Discovery, 14:00 – 17:30
This workshop provides hands-on practice using the methods of design thinking for client discovery and needs assessment. Built upon the ‘Future Technologies: The Inside Scoop from Silicon Valley’ class, this workshop focuses on conducting client interviews by stressing communication techniques to discover true needs.
It also covers how to incorporate cutting-edge technologies into future designs, discussing the path to end-user empathy and create actionable points of view upon which system designs and user experiences can be optimized.
Sawan Nichani – 4K, 8K and HDR – What is the Future of Video? 16:00 – 17:30
In a world where a new video standard appears almost weekly what exactly is the future of video in the home? What do these standards promise and are they really deliverable?
This course will explore the above formats, what is available currently and what might be important to installers in the near future. Delivery methods and content availability will be discussed as will the important question – In a bandwidth limited world will the quest for greater choice override the drive of higher quality video?
Simon Buddle – Wire, Wireless and Fibre – Understanding Bandwidth, 16:00 – 17:30
Our thirst for data is huge. With 4K and even 8K video on the horizon it’s about to get even bigger! If you want to deliver reliable data (especially for video) then you need to understand bandwidth.
This course aims to educate students in delivering reliable data by establishing a thorough understanding of bandwidth. Binary data, simple bandwidth calculations and the comparison of bandwidth requirements with the capacities available from common carriers will be discussed. Students will leave with a clear understanding of data, bandwidth and capacity and will be able to assess and apply bandwidth figures to real-world situations.
Day 5 – Friday February 12 2015
Ken Erdman – CEDIA Certification Review: Electronic System Technician (ESC-T), 9:30 – 16:00
This fast-paced review is a broad-based refresher for technicians who are preparing for the CEDIA ESC-T certification exam. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and openly discuss less familiar topics. It is highly recommended to review the ESC-T Job Task Analysis and take the Pre-Test Assessment prior to attending.
Simon Buddle – CEDIA Certification Review: Electronic System Designer (ESC-D), 9:30 – 16:00
This session is a must-attend refresher for designers who are preparing for the CEDIA Designer (ESC-D) certification exam. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and openly discuss less familiar topics with the instructor. It is highly recommended for students to review the Designer Job Task Analysis and take the Pre-Test Assessment prior to attending.
Geoff Meads – CEDIA Certification Review: Residential Networking Specialist (ESC-N), 9:30 – 16:00
This review is a key session for individuals who are preparing for the CEDIA Residential Networking Specialist (ESC-N) certification exam. Participants will openly discuss topics and questions prior to the exam with fellow peers and the instructor. It is highly recommended to review the RNS Job Task Analysis and take the Pre-Test Assessment prior to attending.
CEDIA Certification Examination Session, 14:00 -16:00