Prove your humanity


Proficient Audio is now shipping its flagship class of architectural speakers, the Proficient Signature.

Earlier this year the company showcased its flagship line-up at ISC West 2016, allowing installers to get up close and person with the 11 speakers that make up the range.

“This brand segmentation provides dealers with a top-down selling strategy,” says Keith Marshall, Core Brands Senior Vice President. “Dealers can easily explain to their customers that if they aspire to have the very best product that the brand has to offer, start with the Signature Class.”

All Proficient Signature loudspeakers offer a step -up in sonic performance over Proficient Protege. Plus, a new industrial design leads the Signature Class, which uses the high-powered combination of Kevlar woofers and aluminium-dome tweeters.

This top-down strategy allows dealers a new approach to more fully leverage the power and prestige of the Proficient brand with a product portfolio that offers the best of all nine architectural categories in home theatre and whole house.

Adding to the flagship Signature GL6 high-gloss cabinet loudspeaker are five home theatre loudspeakers, including its top-of-the-line 10in three-way ceiling speaker, 8in and 6½in LCR ceiling speakers, and 6½in and 5¼in dual-woofer in-wall LCR speakers. For whole-house, there are four Signature models: 8in and 6½in ceiling speakers in addition to 8in and 6½in in-wall speakers.

CEDIA attendees can view the series at the 2016 tradeshow now.

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