Acoustic Energy has appointed a new export sales team, AVEMEA, to manage overseas sales for the company.
This appointment is part of the company’s re-energised strategy which it hopes will translate into higher sales figures and greater revenue.
AVEMEA has 65 years of combined sales and product industry experience between three territory managers, with the team based in the Netherlands.
The team was put together by Martin Harding, Michael Kwetter and Peter Schoon who formed AVEMEA 10 years ago.
AVEMEA has worked with numerous audio brands including Russound and Atlantic Technology, as well as other brands in the AV space, such as Wireworld.
“Employing a dedicated ‘team’ of experienced sales managers with extensive international market knowledge who cover all corners of the world, will ensure Acoustic Energy provides the necessary support to our distribution partners and help to rebuild the AE brand across the international stage,” says Acoustic Energy’s managing director, Neil Truckell.
The two brands have begun working together, with the appointment going into effect earlier this month.