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Focal rolls out a network of dealers dedicated to 1000 Series

For a unique, personalised experience and in a response to the expectations of customers seeking high-end stereo and home cinema installations, Focal is rolling out a network of dedicated 1000 Series retailers/dealers. These companies will be trained and granted access to The CEDIA Designer tool. Thanks to this partnership with CEDIA and by training these specialist teams through various solutions, the brand demonstrates that service is more at the heart of the Focal offering than ever.

With its early 2021 launch of the 1000 Series in-wall and in-ceiling loudspeakers, including two products from the Utopia collection, Focal is developing a support strategy that lives up to its range.

 As a CEDIA partner, Focal says it trains and provides 1000 Series retailers/dealers with free access to The CEDIA Designer. This interactive cloud software creates a single space for the entire process of designing an audio-visual system. Installers can use this for a unique and precise way of designing high-performing custom installations that are adapted to the listening rooms they will occupy.

All 1000 Series retailers will benefit from the support and advice of experts trained in the products, in using The CEDIA Designer but also in the techniques and tools necessary for designing the ideal installation.

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