Taking place on October 26, 2025, International Home Cinema Day has been created to promote the concept of home cinema to consumers and related trades, such as interior designers.
The initiative aims to underline the high performance and joy brought through the magic of a well-designed home cinema system. The day will be an opportunity for Home Cinema Alliance (HCA) members to promote themselves and their work, but the HCA is encouraging the whole industry—and anyone interested in home cinema—to get behind the initiative and elevate home cinema systems’ awareness and appreciation to the next level. The #InternationalHomeCinemaDay tag will be used in all posts relating to the event during its build-up and on the day itself.
With promotion taking place throughout the year leading up to the event, International Home Cinema Day will be celebrated across social media channels and in person via demonstration days. Installation companies and other industry stakeholders, such as distributors and manufacturers, will be encouraged to throw open their doors and engage with consumers so they can gain hands-on experience of the latest systems and technologies by attending home cinema demonstrations.

Stuart Burgess, Director/Founder of the Home Cinema Alliance, says, “The aim of the HCA is to promote our industry in the best possible light and highlight to end users, as well as installation professionals, the power and potential of home cinema. Most consumers still don’t know just how good a home cinema can be, and it’s our job to bring that excitement into their lives. I am already reaching out to trade bodies such as RIBA and encouraging them to get involved, and this work will continue as we look to build International Home Cinema Day into a regular and powerful driver for the home cinema market.
“We have a fantastic concept to offer, and it’s our aim to ensure as many consumers as possible become aware of just how transformative a home cinema system can be. So, I would encourage all those with an interest in home cinema to get in touch, and let’s discuss how we can make this new initiative a big success, putting home cinema uppermost in the minds of consumers via International Home Cinema Day!”
Those who wish to speak to Stuart about the initiative and get involved should drop an email to hello@homecinemaalliance.co.uk or visit www.InternationalHomeCinemaDay.com