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CEDIA has announced the opening of the 2023 CEDIA Smart Home Awards (formerly the CEDIA Awards). The new title aligns with CEDIA’s mission to increase awareness of CEDIA and the industry among consumers and allied trades. Additional changes to the programme include a new Health, Sustainability or Wellness Project category and redefined level definitions in the Best Integrated Home category based on CEDIA’s market research.

The Best Integrated Home category now includes:

  • Mass market integration: a project in a home with a value near the average sales price for the area.
  • Mid-market integration: a project in a home with a value well above the average sales price for the area, but not considered part of the luxury market.
  • Luxury integration: a project in a home located within a private development or estate in the most desirable areas.
  • Uber luxury integration: a project in a home located within a rare collection of the area’s most elite.

These new and expanded categories join 10 others in the Home Technology Integrator Project portion of the CEDIA Smart Home Awards. The Manufacturer Product Awards are also accepting submissions for Best New Product (hardware or software) and Product Hall of Fame. The CEDIA Smart Home Awards will continue to recognise the industry’s most active volunteers and leaders through the Volunteer of the Year Awards, CEDIA Fellows and the Lifetime Achievement Award.

“The CEDIA Smart Home Awards are truly a mark of excellence in our industry,” says CEDIA Global President and CEO, Daryl Friedman. “As we consider the future of this programme, we also want their recognisability to extend far beyond our own community. The CEDIA Smart Home Awards name provides a clear explanation for allied trades and the general public, while establishing CEDIA and our award winners as leaders in the space.”

The CEDIA Smart Home Awards are now accepting submissions for the Home Technology Integrator Project Awards until 21 April. CEDIA members who completed projects between March 2021 and the project deadline will be considered. Manufacturers may submit their hardware and software products for the Manufacturer Product Awards until 19 May.

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