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CEDIA has revealed that The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) has approved the development of a Smart Home Technician Apprenticeship standard. This standard is set to encourage young professionals to enter the home technology industry and develop a career within the sector.

Since 2013, the government welcomes employer groups, Trailblazers, to put forward suggestions for new apprenticeship schemes. Trailblazer groups usually consist of 10 or more employers who gather and develop an apprenticeship standard for their industry. Having recognised the growing shortage of young skilled and qualified engineers entering the home technology industry, 10 CEDIA members have formed a trailblazer group to create a Smart Home Technician Apprenticeship standard that will suit the needs of the CEDIA industry.

“The development of a Smart Home Technician apprenticeship standard is a major step forward for our industry.” explains Aneta Armova-Levin, education manager at CEDIA EMEA. “We are currently experiencing a shortage of skilled and qualified engineers, and we believe that this initiative will solve this as it will attract new people into our industry.  Once the standard is available, any industry employer will be able to hire an apprentice, send him or her for training, and will receive funding from the government in return.”

Minister of state for apprenticeships and skills, Robert Halfon, adds: “Apprenticeships offer young people a ladder of opportunity to gain the vital skills they and businesses need to succeed. By putting more control in the hands of employers, we are ensuring apprenticeships are high quality and address skills shortages facing industry. Congratulations to the Smart Home Technician Trailblazer group for being approved to develop their apprenticeship standard, and for playing an active role in developing the workforce of the future.”

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