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CEDIA has announced that the 2018 CEDIA Awards programme is now open and accepting entries for both the home technology professional awards and the manufacturer awards.

“CEDIA’s Awards programme recognises technical excellence and product innovation, and celebrates the many ways technology enhances the home,” says Jenny Scott, CEDIA director of member engagement. “We are excited to be able to launch the programme earlier this year, providing members needed time to complete the entry process.”

Categories for the home technology professional awards are as follows: Integrated Home; Media Room; Home Cinema; Innovative Solution or System; Showroom; Auto, Marine, or Aircraft; and Multiple Dwelling Unit Design. Installations may be entered in multiple categories and are judged by industry technical experts. Entrants compete and are recognised within their region — Americas, EMEA, or Asia Pacific — based on their primary location.

Finalists, announced in July, will be considered for additional sub-category awards based on their region: A panel of technical judges will choose winners for Best Documentation, Best Dressed Rack, and Best Lighting System. A panel of design/build professionals will select a winner for the Life Lived Best at Home Award and the Technology Meets Design Award. The home technology professional Global Award winners are selected from the overall winners in all regions. Deadline for entry is April 2 2018.

The CEDIA manufacturer awards include the following categories: Best New Software Product, Best New Hardware Product, and Product Hall of Fame. All entries are evaluated by industry professionals, and finalists will be selected in August. Deadline for entry is May 14 2018.

Americas winners will be announced and recognised at the CEDIA Expo in San Diego, CA. EMEA winners will be announced and recognised at the 2018 EMEA Awards event in London. Asia Pacific winners will be announced on August 23 2018 at the CEDIA Awards event in conjunction with Integrate 2018. Members may begin their entry at

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