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CEDIA’s education programme is growing in 2016 and the latest addition is a business course led by ICON business advisor Jon Peterman.

The two-part workshop will explore the ‘Eight Key Steps to Business Success’, with CEDIA members being offered the necessary skills required to ensure their business is managed successfully. Jon will also help businesses maximise the opportunities available in the home technology industry by walking attendees through everything from documentation to business strategy and marketing techniques.

“This course is well suited to anyone who is working within the home technology industry and is seeking to improve the initial basis on which their businesses are built,” explains Jon. “It will encourage participants to use new skills, such as what it takes to create a successful and hard-working team, and how to put forward a transforming Now Action Plan.”

The first day of this business-focused workshop will look at the essential building blocks of a business, as well as the importance of focusing on growth and development.

Attendees to the workshop will explore the ’five key profit drivers’ related to setting the vision for their business. Participants will then delve into the skills involved in building and managing a strong team and discuss the critical aspect of this. The group will also go on to explore the essential steps in maintaining control of finances.

Students should also expect to learn about defining their business S.W.O.T., as well as gaining an understanding on customer behaviour and improving relationships with customers. Other topics that are expected to be covered will be key performance indicators, defining payment terms and managing inventory.

At the end of this first workshop, each delegate will develop a Now Action Plan, designed to identify essential actions that will grow each participant’s individual business and increase their profits. This plan can be implemented immediately and will include longer term actions.

The second day will begin with a brief summary and feedback from delegates on how their Now Action Plan actions have gone so far. Jon will then provide participants with individual advice and guidance for their plans, as well as going over some more topics. These will include team management and rediscovering, defining and monitoring key performance indicators. The group will also cover financial performance reviews and improving financial results.

As an ICON business advisor, Jon Peterman specialises in providing professional advice to businesses in North London. Jon works with business owners to help them achieve their goals by strengthening the foundations of their business and implementing specific step by step strategies and performance monitors.

The first set of course dates are:

Wednesday March 9th: Eight Key Steps to Business Success – Day One

Wednesday April 20th: Eight Key Steps to Business Success – Day Two

To book on to this course, or for more information and a full list of CEDIA’s education courses, visit

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