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Registration for CEDIA 2016, the trade show for home technology integrators, is now open. The event, formerly known as CEDIA Expo, will take place between September 13-17 in Dallas.

The conference begins on September 13, while the show floor opens for three days starting Thursday, Sept. 15.

We’ll see several changes and special events at this year’s show. Here are a few of them:

1. One extra day of training: CEDIA introduces Tuesday training, which gives attendees five full days of workshops and courses, instead of the usual four.

2. Shelly Palmer, a long-time consumer-electronics advisor, is presenting the opening keynote on September 14 at 5:30 pm.

3. The CEDIA Electronics Lifestyle Awards celebration is open to everyone this year. It’s free of charge and held on the first day of the expo, September 15, 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at Gilley’s. Gone are the stuffy $100+ banquets. Wear your party shoes.

Early bird savings of 25% off on training and registration are available until July 22. CEDIA members enjoy free access to the tradeshow floor.

Members also receive exclusive savings on training and can take advantage of the CEDIA training pass (regularly $529), allowing them to take an unlimited number of courses (with some restrictions) at CEDIA 2016.

CEDIA member housing is currently open; non-member housing will open on June 21, 2016. 

CEDIA 2016 at a Glance

CEDIA 2016

September 13-17, 2016 (Expo, Sept. 15-17)

Dallas, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center

Showfloor hours:

• September 15: 9-6
• September 16: 9-6
• September 17: 9-5

Key events:

• Media preview, September 14, 2:30 pm
• Capital Summit, September 14, 2:30 pm
• Opening Keynote and CEDIA Lifetime Achievement Awards, September 14, 5:30 pm
• Opening Reception on the show floor, September 15, 4:00 pm
• CEDIA 2016 awards celebration, September 15, 7:00 pm (Gilley’s)

Quick Links

CEDIA brochure with training sessions (pdf)
Schedule at a glance
Exhibitor list (all, by alpha)
CEDIA 2016 floorplan
• Twitter: #CEDIA16


CEDIA Increases Training Offerings with Additional Full Day of Courses at CEDIA 2016

INDIANAPOLIS (March 22, 2016) – CEDIA has announced that it will significantly expand education offerings at CEDIA 2016 by adding a fourth day to the training schedule. Courses will now be available starting on Tuesday, September 13 and run through Saturday.

The show floor will keep the traditional schedule and will open on Thursday, September 15.

“We recognise that our attendees have packed schedules while at the show. They’re looking to make the most of their time and that can mean scheduling down to the minute,” says Luke Amos, CEDIA Director of Online Learning.

“Our goal in expanding the schedule is to make it easier for attendees to spend time in the classroom by offering of two full days of education and training before the show floor even opens.”

Tuesday training will include some highly sought-after half-day and full-day workshops such as HAA-THX Home Theatre Adviser Certification, Video Calibration Level I, Home Cinema for Designers, Rack Building & Wiring Fundamentals and the CEDIA COI Train the Trainer course.

In addition to offering Tuesday training, CEDIA is offering at total of 43 new courses and has expanded business course offerings based on attendee and member feedback.

“CEDIA education and training programs have set the standard for equipping home technology professionals with the tools and resources they need to deliver the best possible experience to their clients. I’m proud of our ability to stay nimble and offer robust education programs that meet the needs of members whether they’re looking to dig into technical training or hone their skills as a business owner,” says Vin Bruno, CEDIA CEO.

A preliminary outline of the training program is available on the CEDIA 2016 website to help attendees start planning their schedules. CEDIA members looking for additional savings should consider the CEDIA Training Pass; which enables them to take as many courses as they can fit into their schedule. Additional discounts are available for companies that purchase multiple training passes. 

This article originally appeared on


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