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CEDIA has announced multiple changes to key events and timelines as a result of continued global disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Alterations will affect CEDIA Awards celebration events, CEDIA Awards entry deadlines, and the CEDIA Leadership Conference.

Scheduling and location adjustments include:

CEDIA Awards Projects & Product Entries

CEDIA Awards changes include a new deadline for entries in all three CEDIA Awards regions (Americas, EMEA, Asia Pacific). This is now Monday June 1, 2020. This deadline includes entries for integrators and manufacturers/trade suppliers.

CEDIA Awards Celebration Events

The CEDIA Awards celebration for the Americas region has been moved to take place in conjunction with CEDIA Expo in Denver, Colorado this September.

The location and date for the CEDIA EMEA Awards Celebration is in the process of being finalised for later in the year.

CEDIA is investigating new options for the CEDIA Asia Pacific Awards Celebration, as Integrate 2020 has been cancelled.

CEDIA Leadership Summit

Previously slated to coincide with the CEDIA Americas awards celebration in Chicago in June, an in-person edition of the CEDIA Leadership Summit has been removed from the calendar.

“While we were incredibly excited about the programming we were building for the CEDIA Awards and Leadership Conference, it seems unlikely that travel to an event of this nature would be possible for a majority of our members at this time or in the near future,” says Giles Sutton, CEDIA Senior Vice President of Industry Engagement. “For members who are looking for ways to connect and learn during this challenging time, I would encourage you to check out the wide variety of webinars, financial sessions, and roundtable discussions that CEDIA is hosting.”

CEDIA member integrators and manufacturers can continue to submit entries through the new, more streamlined awards platform, which can be accessed at Projects completed between March 2018 and June 2020 are eligible for the programme. Full details on the CEDIA Awards Project categories, including the new category for projects under $25,000, can be found at

For manufacturers and trade suppliers, entries are being accepted here for the 2020 CEDIA Best New Products Awards and Product Hall of Fame programs, which include hardware and software categories.

 CEDIA says it will share additional details about the respective regional awards celebrations as they are available.

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