Prove your humanity was started as an off-shoot from trade only install company, Innovations Connected Ltd (ICL).

The team were unhappy with the lack of a bespoke service to create high quality connection plates for its own projects, so set about creating its a system to do just that.

The method proved so effective that was created to offer the same accuracy, flexibility and speed to other installers.

The company now offers an inexhaustible choice of wall plates, floor plates, custom pods, lectern panels and racking strips with a wide variety of different connection types such as screw terminal, solder and tails.

Nearly all of the products are manufactured in-house so AVPlates is confident it can deliver the quality needed.

The products are also thoroughly tested before they are sent out.

All installers need to do to plug into this service is just log onto and launch the plate building process.

Choose the layout required, single gang or double to get started and then start choosing the types of connectors needed for the front of the plate.

This is done with a straight forward drag and drop operation and handily as each connector is loaded onto the system, the site automatically gives options of which connections to have on the rear of the plate.

Once the rear connections are chosen, the option to label them becomes live, simply type into each box what is required, there is also room for text at the bottom of each plate for company info, contacts or logos. 

The site automatically updates the price payable for each plate as you go, so there are no surprises.

Once the process is completed, the site then presents a summary of the plate, all visitors have to do then is click the order, button, pay over the phone or by credit card and the process is complete.

Check out the video above to see how easy it is

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