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RGB showcased products from the Atlona brand including the UHD 4×4 matrix switcher.

Chris Brzostowski, residential and commercial solutions account manager, Atlona, said: “Now that we’re working with RGB we are focusing on residential in the UK, which has been an untouched market for Atlona previously.

“What installers really seem to like is that our products come with a 10-year warranty. We’ve had lots of installers asking about projects at the show. It’s halfway through day one and we’ve had at least eight project discussions so far.”

Also in the RGB area were products from Lutron and invisible speakers from Revolution Acoustics, which were garnering a lot of interest from visitors.

On the Oceanair section was a new wire-free option for blinds, which the manufacturer said is a feature that is unique to the brand.

David Webster, chief technology officer, RGB, explained: “It’s a high end offering, it’s very custom, virtually unlimited and very bespoke. We are here to provide the hand-holding into the blind market for installers.”

David added: “This is the first showing of our Internet of Thing (IoT) division, our first product in this sector being Nest – which we’ve had lots of interest in.

“The classic custom installers are now being asked by their customers about Nest. Or on the other end of the scale we have electricians trying to get into the custom install market by using Nest – this is a great way for them to get their foot in the door. It’s sold as a DIY product, but it’s really a DIFM (do it for me) product!”

Addressing the relationship between Savant and RGB, David said, “We have been so successful with Savant distribution that we are now Savant Europe. It’s a code-free control system and that’s why installers like it.”

New for the show was the Savant Remote, which integrates seamlessly with Sonos.

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