The team at Pulse Cinemas says it has been carefully planning for new ways to reward those installers who are serious about partnering with the company in creating high-quality AV, automation and cinema experiences.
Under a new set of criteria (see below for full details), Pulse Cinemas dealers who demonstrate the right level of commitment will get a range of new and dedicated benefits, based around the company’s considerable resources and an enhanced Dealer Portal which is being developed for the company’s new website.
These will include full access to all of Pulse Cinemas’ demonstration facilities for client visits or events.
These number three at company HQ, with the big and small cinemas and new media room, as well as the London Experience Centre based in one of the most prestigious interior design destination stores in the capital (The Sofa & Chair Company), and lastly the Cabin Cinema, which is owned by the distributor’s Cinema Sound Consultant, David Crozier.
Pulse Cinemas says the key to selling cinemas is to deliver an experience that creates the desire in the customer arguing no sales pitch on earth is as powerful as letting them experience it for themselves. Full and supported access to these sites will offer a serious boost to any business, argues Pulse Cinemas.
The benefits of the new Dealer Portal itself include dealers’ own space within the Pulse Cinemas website, to promote work and services to all who visit the site.
A special team of marketeers and writers will create case studies, articles, videos and professional photography to showcase each installers work and generate interest in the company.
The Dealer Portal will also be able to generate leads directly into each installers business based on the criteria laid out below. The highest level of engagement triggers a full video and audio calibration service for each project.
Dealers will also receive other forms of support via social media accounts, support if they are exhibiting at consumer-facing shows and events, help with entering initiatives like the CEDIA Awards, and access to our Pulse Cinema’s own Installation of the Month and yearly dealer awards.
Fully engaged dealers also get preferential credit terms, as well as priority access to our the company’s in-house interiors and furniture design team.

Growing together
As each dealer’s relationship and engagement with Pulse Cinemas grows, so each dedicated space within the Dealer Portal becomes populated with case studies, images and videos to entice visitors to find out more. The idea is that interested parties won’t just get contact details, but a genuine insight into what each installer can do.
Company MD, Mike Beatty explains, “We are looking to develop genuine partnerships, so getting access to everything we can provide does require some commitment to the cause from dealers, and that is not just business, it’s engagement – getting involved on social media, coming to events that we run, and attending the training courses that we provide. We believe that in this way, we will build genuinely valuable, mutually beneficial relationships.”
More details of when the new portal is up and running as soon as EI gets them.
Criteria: Basis To Determine Dealer Status With Pulse Cinemas
• Turnover (three-year rolling score)
• Quotation-to-order conversion rate
• Range of Pulse Cinemas brands specified and installed in live cinema projects
• Use Pulse Cinemas HQ showroom, London Experience Centre or Cabin Cinema for client demonstrations
• The number of Pulse Cinemas brands on demo (if company has a showroom)
• Social network engagement
• General engagement: Level of engagement with Pulse Cinemas
Cinemas in the early stages of projects, partner events with Pulse, attend Pulse Cinemas events.
• CEDIA member
• Other industry accreditation, such as Pulse Cinemas Training Courses, THX, ISF, HAA etc.
• Promote Pulse Cinemas brands on your own social media accounts
Pulse Cinemas Dealer Levels And Benefits
Platinum Pulse dealer benefits
• Photography / video of installations**
• Audio-video calibrations**
• Exposure through the Pulse Cinemas social media network
• Installation of the Month / Installation of the Year Awards
• Certification / accreditation for training courses at Pulse Cinemas venues
• Preferential credit terms
• Dedicated account manager
• Manufacturer factory training events (worldwide)
• Access to ‘Exclusively Connect’ networking events for powerful high-end brand association
• End-user industry event support (eg. Grand Designs)
• Support with your entries for CEDIA awards
• Technical design & specification support
• On-site sales support
• Priority service to Pulse Cinemas’ own bespoke lighting, furniture & complete solution design experts
• Support on photo-realistic cinema renders
Silver, Gold & dealers benefits
Will get a gradually lower number / level of these benefits, based on the level of engagement reached compared to the level needed for Platinum dealers
** Installations must contain at least five Pulse Cinemas ingredients to qualify across the four main categories of ‘audio’, ‘visual’, ‘system’ & ‘furniture’, including, but not limited to screen, seating, speakers, media distribution and electronics being the most important.