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Pulse Cinemas has been very busy of late up-dating its demonstration facilities at company HQ. The newest room to be completed is the impressive media room which mixes top end performance with a luxury interior.

In a new video, this newest demonstration area, which bristles with style and technology in equal measure, viewers can get a real insight into just how good a cinema can really be.

Designed by Pulse Cinema’s own in-house interiors expert Stephen Clasper, this room has been designed as a reference statement on how a cinema can be woven into the fabric of a home.

Two different cinemas, one large screen TV based, and one projector and screen based, remain completely hidden until called upon.

Once called to action these fully specified Dolby Atmos systems envelope the audience in an AV experience they will not forget whilst still surrounding them in the opulence of this high-end living space created from scratch by the Pulse Cinemas team.

The new video also showcases Pulse Cinemas recently re-built website which provides many more opportunities for the company to flex its multi-media muscles.

So check out the video as Simon Schino, Pulse Cinemas Internal Sales Manager, takes you on this virtual tour.

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