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Showroom Showcase: Artcoustic

EI took a trip to the newly created Artcoustic Showroom in the beautiful Essex countryside to discover a reimagined world demonstrating what the Artcoustic range and team can deliver to dealers and their customers.

This article first appeared in the pages of Essential Install. Do you have a showroom you would like us to visit? Get in touch!

First impressions on arrival are positive as the new site is situated in a roomy estate in attractive parkland, setting the tone for a luxury and special experience. Paul Cummin, Sales Manager at Artcoustic, explains, “We wanted our showroom and the Artcoustic brand to be at the forefront of industry thinking. This is towards correct project and system design, not just showcasing great products. “We made ourselves the client for the purposes of this showroom – what is the correct design and process for each brief? So, we started with the brief…what are we trying to achieve, and why? How can this translate to an installation company bringing a live project to us?

“We have created a beautiful showroom, in a stunning location, that enhances the experience for both dealers and clients. The outcome is a space that is designed towards supporting our dealers, giving them the best chance possible to win their next project.”

Paul adds, “Before taking the keys to the showroom, we had the drawings. Thinking carefully about each area, we then designed each of the eight systems to meet the brief we set. Deciding what we wanted to show – a party system, a realistic TV system, an affordable high-performance cinema and flagship statement cinema were all agreed, then the design process started. This was treated as we do any client project, so the process is solid and proven.”


The spacious and easily navigable showroom offers a welcoming space, supporting the idea of a high-performance experience even before the systems spring to life.

Paul explains, “The design process that works for almost any system is based on three performance variables and three client lead factors. For performance, it’s taken from industry measurable standards of Dynamic Range, Spatial Resolution and Timbre Matching. The client choices are then either financial, practical or aesthetic. Or indeed a combination of these. We looked at each area with these all in mind, addressing potential client brief and likely realistic choices. The end result is that we have commercial and domestic applications highlighted, with different levels of those performance criteria.

“Our uniquely scalable range is fully utilised here, with over 70 speakers all permanently ready to play. Artcoustic has a product specifically suited to almost any application – with a range of speakers that can play from 1m to 48m across the various RP22 levels!”

Design challenges are inherent in any endeavour looking to deliver at this level, but taking the right approach has paid dividends in the creation of the space.

Paul says, “Design challenges were all dealt with early on in the process, so by the time it came to installing products, it was straightforward. We have a low ceiling in the larger cinema room, but sight lines and practical issues were solved long before in conversations with Cinema Luxe, who assisted us in the design and execution of the space.

“Technically, we are blessed with a highly sensitive range of loudspeakers, so we have managed to have eight systems, over 70 speakers with 2km of speaker cable and only require one rack. We don’t need a lot of power, so a system with 9.1.4 or even 15.4.8 for our larger room, does not need huge power amps. We utilised PowerSofts’ excellent range of four channel power amps which helped a great deal, and Anthem’s AVRs and MDX amps which again take up very little space for what they can achieve with high sensitivity loudspeakers.

“The larger cinema room needed to be a statement from us. We believe this to be as good as anything else out there, with a 15.4.8 configuration. This goes beyond Dolby’s white paper guidelines, but as a select approved member of the Dolby DARDT program, we were able to use that software to design the room perfectly. We trust and follow the process, letting the DARDT program tell us how many speakers and where they need to be. The end result is incredible, with a subtlety often missing in ‘cinema demos’ and a presence and power when required.”


Naturally calibration and system tuning have been part of the story as well, Paul reveals, “We use a Barco projector in the larger room and they made sure that was calibrated correctly. For the audio, it’s a huge part of our service and knowledge, so we spent time making sure each system was set up exactly as we wanted. We had previously simulated the bass response in each system, so we had no surprises with room modes. Once calibrated we checked each system with pink noise and independent software to ensure the system was delivering what we expected. We are very well practiced in Anthem’s ARC software, as well as calibrating the Trinnov in the larger cinema perfectly.”

EI was curious what part the CEDIA RP22 standards played in the space? Paul explains, “We are huge supporter of CEDIA’s RP22 document. We have been designing systems for many years to industry guidelines, but previously it has been disjointed and hard to translate to a client. RP22 is the first time we’ve had this information presented in a way we can discuss with installers and clients. Now, we can explain the difference between systems and client specifications in terms that mean something real – dynamic range, spatial resolution and timbre matching.

“This is how we approached each system, to explain the difference between them in these terms, and so a client can see the link between what they experience here and what we are proposing for them. We think this is often missing at B2B showrooms where the emphasis is solely on the brand. We want the emphasis to be on the experience, and then the client chooses the experience they want. It translates in the sales process.

“It doesn’t end up with a demo of one system that is nothing like what the client will have. RP22 is a huge help for us to be able to deliver certainty to a client. We needed the same certainty designing the systems. By using RP22 standards and being able to measure and predict outcomes before the build started is powerful. We had confidence in our own designs and knowledge of RP22, and the result was exactly as predicted.”


The design of the space was created in partnership with Cinema Luxe, provider of bespoke design and interior fit out solutions to AV professionals. Paul explains, “Having worked with Cinema Luxe on previous projects, we understood what they bring to a project and the synergy between our services. The partnership was agreed early on and were all excited by the potential. We needed the cinema rooms to have the same wow effect as the performance.

“That ‘wow’ as you walk in is a vital part of the whole experience. We can then ‘wow’ with the performance of each system. Artcoustic is a speaker brand, we only do loudspeakers. But we understand that every project is a holistic combination of many factors. Cinema Luxe’s room design and delivery of them, is second to none. Cinema Luxe has a respect for the sound and picture quality required for these rooms, and bridge the gap between installation and the interior design world. The result is two cinema rooms that are completely on brand with our Scandinavian heritage, with different levels of experience and price points. We are really proud of how modern and contemporary the rooms look and feel, appealing to everyone in the decision-making process.”

Darren Barker, Design Director, says, “Cinema Luxe were delighted when approached to deliver both the design and fit-out of the cinema rooms at Artcoustic’s new HQ. With that privilege also came the responsibility of ensuring the brand was represented in the right way. “We called on our design experience to tread the fine line between sleek, Scandinavian design that reflected the brand’s Danish Heritage, whilst delivering a UK relevant showcase with minimal technical compromises. One of the biggest design successes here is how effortless this all feels. The due diligence in the background and attention to the details translates to rooms that not only perform superbly but align with Artcoustic’s core values and design DNA. I am incredibly proud of our team’s delivery of this project and how it showcases our industry leading design and finish.”

A key message from Artcoustic during the visit is a strong commitment to genuine and holistic support for dealers and a promise of honesty, integrity and credibility.

Paul says, “Support for our dealers is our main priority. We want to empower our dealers with the tools to confidently present solutions to their client, with certainty and design integrity. Our presentation packs are second to none, helping to explain choices transparently. This is presented in a way a client can understand and make informed choices. The showroom is an extension of this. We tested this process on ourselves, we became the client, questioning each choice, seeing the technical evidence openly so we could be sure that each product was chosen for the right brief. It’s a delivery on our technical promises.

“The process is clear, transparent, and repeatable. It was followed here on every system, so there is an honesty when promising the same experience for the client. Dealers coming here are taken through the processes, seeing the transparency in each step, and empowering them to do the same for their clients. Dealers have found this a unique and refreshing approach. Technical measurements, see through marketing claims, and taking dealers through the simple calculator for any product can be enlightening. Seeing how much power is required for any speaker to reach a target SPL at a given distance is fact and its revealing to see if what you thought could do it, can actually do it. Our golf club analogy is an eye-opening moment here too.


Ultimately the purpose of this showroom is for dealers to showcase what’s possible for their clients. The outcomes Artcoustic is working hard towards include having dealers win more projects, more often with higher value, resulting in happier clients and more referrals. Paul says, “Mutual success is the goal. We have been delighted how many integrators have been already, with quite a few seeing Artcoustic in a new light. We have come such a long way from the ‘picture speaker’ company and experiencing these systems has been a real lightbulb moment for those that thought they ‘knew Artcoustic’. That’s hugely satisfying for us.”

With such an all-encompassing project, it’s a challenge to select one part as a standout, but that lies in the success of this project in that it genuinely feels like a whole experience. The rooms are very pleasant to be in, even before the systems are demoed – it does feel like a very relatable space that customers will feel at home in. However, asked to pick any aspects that the team is particularly happy with since launch Paul underlines, “Experiences are designed, they don’t just happen. From a system point of view, it’s the party systems and the cinema rooms. They always put a smile on faces, and we get a kick from that. What we really enjoy though is playing the clips of movies and music that get real reactions. We’ve had (happy) tears, many jump scares and a room full of burly men singing along to Barbie. The experience is everything, the technical processes are vital, but this isn’t a dull science experiment. It’s ultimately all about the emotions, the experience, the fun and the joy. To quote a recent client, “I had no idea it could sound this good!”

This is a really excellent space to add to the industry’s design, demonstration and dealer learning experience capabilities. The team creates really fun demos, understanding that movies are about telling stories that people relate to, not blowing people’s ears back. The use of music and concert footage in the demos is also excellent, adding another layer of excitement and appreciation of what can be experienced at home.  

Contact to book your visit. As the Artcoustic team underlines, allow more time than you think!

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