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Installer led Facebook group, Smart Homee has announced a special webinar hosting some of the market’s leading home automation platforms in what promises to be a wide ranging and lively discussion and panel debate.

Entitled ‘Smart Homes and the brains behind them’ and part of the Tuesday Tech Talk series, key staff members from Crestron, ELAN, Loxone, Control4, URC, RTI and Savant have been signed up to provide their insights into the market in general and will answer viewer’s questions as well.

The session is due to take place on Tuesday April 7 at 2pm hosted on the popular Zoom platform.

Those who want to take part and watch can register in advance of the session by clicking here.

It will certainly be interesting to see what these major players have to say on the current difficult situation regarding the coronavirus and also more generally as home automation continues to grow its profile, but with consumers unsure about how to meet their needs.

Later in the week the same group will host Danish speaker manufacturer Artcoustic with its ‘Four Golden Rules of Home Cinema’ presentation. Register for this one here.

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