To celebrate AWE’s 85th anniversary and 20 years in the custom installation industry, the CI distributor launched its CI Loyalty Scheme in March this year – designed to reward customers by giving away a range of prizes from key brands.
Registered trade customers have been accumulating points for purchasing qualifying products, and AWE has announced 10 winners:
Top Prize – Sony VPL-VW270 Projector
Winner – Angus Murray, NEW WAVE AV:
“We were over the moon to hear the news that we had won a stunning Sony projector via the AWE CI Loyalty Scheme. This has allowed us to upgrade the projector in our Media Room, meaning we now have Sony projection in both our Media and Cinema rooms. Thanks again to AWE.”
Prize- URC MRX-8 Total Control Network System Controller & TRC-1480 Handheld Remote
Winner – Jay Maybin, Maybin Electrical:
“The scheme was so easy on our part, with no effort needed other than buying products needed for jobs. It was totally unexpected to find out that we were one of the winners and a nice end to a hectic week. Regarding the prize, we’re still undecided whether it’s going to be fitted into the office or in a customer’s media/cinema room. Regarding the whole process with AWE, it’s been a real pleasure – Gavin Shing and the rest of the team were professional, helpful, and superb from start to finish.”
Prize – Denon Home 350
Winner – Ketan Patel, KBB:
“When I first heard about the scheme, I signed up straight away. Although I’m still making money from my customers, the scheme inspired me to push harder for the sale because there was the possibility of getting a reward at the end of it, a real incentive. I was quite shocked to find out that I’d won. I’ve only ever won two things in my life, one was a Lewis Hamilton signed baseball cap, also a prize from AWE, and now this! The prize was the new Denon Home 350, which I’m going to be using as a demo kit to take with me to customers’ houses.
“Rather than showing them the product online or in a brochure, this will allow me to show the customer the product in action. I’ve been working with AWE for many years now and I can’t fault them. The team are very helpful and always at the end of the phone, especially when it comes to troubleshooting on site. I’m always learning, and they’ve always got time for me – they’re a great company to work with.”
Prize – Epson EH-TW7100 Projector
Winner – Luke Emmott, Managing Director, Modus Vivendi:
“It is very impressive that AWE has been in business for 85 years, and the loyalty scheme is an amazing way of giving back to the companies that have supported them along the way. Being a winner was a lovely surprise! After being told about winning the projector, I checked with AWE to see if they would be happy with us passing it onto someone who it would really make a difference to.
“Fortunately, we are busy and have lots of regular new enquiries, so business is looking good post-lockdown. As we weren’t expecting to win the projector, I thought it would be nice to try and help someone less fortunate, so we put a post out on various social media platforms asking for people to nominate worthy causes, so that we can randomly select someone at the end of the month.”
Prize – Epson EH-TW7100 Projector
Winner – Kevin Majmudar, SETEK:
“I’m ecstatic at being an AWE winner, especially as I hardly ever win anything. The scheme is a great way of rewarding customers, but to be honest, AWE is a superb partner to have and this competition really is the icing on the cake. Despite difficult times for us all this year, AWE has supported us massively with technical advice, training, sales, and beyond.
“As far as our prize goes, James Drummie gave me the idea a few weeks back from his own personal experience, so I’m planning to use the projector at home for indoor and outdoor/garden projection tasks and I’m sure the family will love it too.”
Points will be reset after each qualifying period, so there’s still time to win in October-December. The competition runs until the end of December 2020.
To register, click here.